Chapter 1

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That day started out like any other; Echizen and Momo were late for morning practice, again. This time, it wasn't Echizen's fault. He was actually standing outside waiting for Momo. Usually, he just leaves without him but he was still tired and didn't want to walk. The back tire on Momo's bike was deflated and he needed to replace it, hence, why they were late.

"Baka Momo-sempai!" Echizen said as they walked onto the courts. "I should have left without you!"

"Be quiet Echizen!" retorted Momo. "Do you want Buchou to-"

"Echizen, Momoshiro, 20 laps." They both heard a voice shout to them from one of the far off courts. Tezuka was watching a match and had his back to them.

"How does he do that?" Momo asked. Echizen just sighed and walked into the club room to change. "Oi Echizen, don't ignore me!"

"Saa, I wonder what the excuse is today." Fuji said with a smile.

"50% Echizen says its Momo fault and 50% Momo says its Echizen's fault." Inui said reading from his notebook.

"Maa, that's kind of a given Inui." Taka said as he sweat dropped.

"Nya, I feel bad for Momo and Ochibi. They always have to run." Kikumaru said as he swung his racket.

"But all that extra running has to be good for them." Oishi said.

"It's not my fault that we're late!" Momo shouted at Echizen as they came out of the club room.

"Then whose is it Momo-sempai?" Echizen asked with an annoyed face as he began is laps.

Momo thought for a second. "It's obviously- hey! Don't start without me!" he ran to catch up with Echizen.

"Fsshhh... baka." Kaidou said as he hit a ball back to his opponent.


After Momo and Echizen finished their laps, they began their practice. It seemed to go by rather quickly and they didn't really do much. They warmed up, rallied for a few minutes then had practice matches and that was it. Even though it was the morning, they would still do as much as if it were the afternoon.

"I wonder why practice wasn't so tough today." Momo said to himself as he walked into the club room.

"Fsshhh, if you were here on time you would know." Kaidou hissed.

Momo scowled at him. Echizen was in the middle of changing when Momo's statement caused him to wonder too.

"Saa, Ryuzaki-sensei scheduled a match with Hyotei this afternoon."

"Wouldn't that make her work us more?"

"Nya, we asked that too but she said that this time was different. Something about having a break next week." Kikumaru trailed off and went into a deep thought.

Hearing that, Echizen finished changing and left the club room. He was a little curious about why they didn't practice as they normally did and what it had to do with Hyotei but he shrugged it off and went to class.


As usual, Echizen slept through most of his morning classes and when lunch came, he went to go sleep on the roof of the school. He couldn't help but feel like he was being watched. It took a little more 'time and concentration' to fall asleep but he managed. After lunch, he slept through most of his afternoon classes. He still couldn't shake the feeling that someone had been watching him all day but he stopped thinking about that and started focusing on their match with Hyotei as he fell back to sleep.

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