Im Sorry.

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The next few days were terrible...Henry could barely get up without vomiting or complaining of pain in his entire body. They basically stayed in the hotel the whole time. Regina couldn't get him to keep any amount of food down, he was weak and that was taking down his immune system so he wasn't fighting off illness at all.

Regina sniffled and laid in her bed watching Henry's breathing closely as he slept, the worse he got the more cautious she was. "Regina..." Emma sighed walking into the bedroom and biting her lip. "He's okay...he's just sleeping." She whispered and bit her lip.

"Is he? Because I can't see his chest moving!" She jumped up and checked his pulse, seeing that he was fine so she let out a small breath. "Regina...this is getting bad." Emma whispered sadly. "I know...I know that." Regina cried, shaking her head. "I can't help it...he's my baby boy. I need him!"

"Baby girl...I know that." Emma whimpered and walked over to Regina, pulling her into her arms. "I do, but this isn't need to appreciate the time you have."

"It's hard to appreciate it when you don't know how much time there is." Regina snapped and looked down, playing with her thumbs. "This was a really stupid idea! Henry can't even enjoy's like I'm rubbing his sickness in his face. He can't go on a single ride without vomiting. We should just go home...."

Emma sighed softly and bit her lip. "You're not rubbing it in his face. You were trying to do something special for him...if you want to take him home we could do that." Emma slowly reached up rubbing Regina's back. Regina nodded and sighed. "Let's just go..." She whispered sadly and slowly stood up, calling a cab service to come and take them to an airport. She packed all the stuff up in silence. She was sad, so sad. She wiped the tears sliding down her cheeks and slowly picked Henry up once they saw the cab out front of the hotel.

The whole cab ride was silent and Henry never even woke up once which Regina was thankful for. He would be so sad to leave and it would just add to his illness...he would be crying and hyperventilating and Regina could see it now. It was best if he just slept through the whole sad experience.

The plane ride was the same. Regina stayed quiet, not speaking, not moving, she didn't even once smile. Emma didn't know what to did she make it better? How could she help Regina though this? This was about to be the hardest time of Regina's life and...she didn't even know what to say. She couldn't say anything to help. She felt useless.

"Mama! No!" Henry screeched and flailed on his bed, a sobbing mess. Regina let tears fall down her cheeks as she turned away from him. "I'm sorry baby boy...we had to come home."

"No! No!" Henry cried and his body began to shake. "I need- I need-" his face began to turn green and Regina gasped, she knew what that meant. She grabbed a bucket and held it under Henry's mouth.

Only this wasn't a natural color for puke. It was blood! He was puking up blood! Regina tried to hold back her cries as Henry screamed upon seeing it. "Shh shh.." She grabbed a cool towel and cleaned off Henry's mouth and bit her lip, "shh it's okay..." She whimpered and crawled into bed with a sobbing Henry, pulling him against her chest. Henry shook and shook his head furiously...he clung to Regina. Emma heard the screams and ran to the door, seeing the scene before her...a bucket with blood in it on the floor and Regina holding a sobbing Henry. She gasped and shook her head gently. She cleared her throat and slowly walked into the room.

She crawled on the other side of Henry and held him close. "You're going to be alright." She said directed toward Henry but she looked up at Regina while she said it. Henry nodded and whimpered. Regina closed her eyes tightly and took deep breaths.

Emma kissed Regina's forehead, letting her lips stay pressed against Regina's head. "It's okay..." She whispered. "We're all together...we will help each other get through anything right?" She whispered and Henry and Regina both nodded.
Later that night Emma decided to help out. She cleaned the downstairs and went into the kitchen, cleaning that up as well. She was doing the dishes when Regina walked in, her eyes red and swollen. "Henry's asleep now." She croaked. Emma sighed and turned the water off, drying her hands on a towel. She turned toward Regina and opened her arms. "Come here, love." Regina nodded and flew into Emma's open arms, sniffling.

"We're here for each other always...through no matter what and I'm going to stay by your side. I can promise that!" Emma vowed and cupped Regina's chin, looking deeply into her beautiful brown eyes.

Regina nodded and smiled weakly for the first time in the past few days. "I-Emma I..."

"What is it?" Emma kissed Regina's cheek gently.

"I love you." Regina whispered, staring into Emma's eyes. She wondered if that was to soon? If Emma felt the same? Would Emma run now....

Emma gasped and tears hit her eyes. She nodded and bit her lip, smiling happily. "Regina, I love you too!" She pulled Regina into a gentle kiss and cupped both of her cheeks, sighing happily.

"Y-you do?"

"I really do. I'm so happy to be yours. I'm so happy you're mine and I promise Regina that...I'm not leaving, I'm going to be by your side and be here for you though everything! I love you so much, I love Henry so much."

Regina whimpered and covered her mouth as tears ran down her cheeks. "We love you so much..." She cried and hugged Emma tightly. "I love you..oh Emma." They stayed like that for a while, just holding each other and sharing lingering kisses and soft smiles.

A/N: sad chapter in sorry!😭, comment and I hoped you liked this chapter! Updates should be more frequent

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