The Interview

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"You have an interview Rudolph!" Dill shook my body as I lay on the top bunk. My eyes slowly open as I realize my alarm didn't go off this morning. The clock says I should've been awake an hour ago, but my fatigue says I should sleep until dinner. I fall out of the top bunk in a rush to get ready as five foot six Dill hops off the bedside table.
"Thanks dude!" I yell.
You could say Dill is like an older brother to me being that he is 14 and I am 12. We've grown up together. We're practically family.
The moldy bathroom floor is cold beneath my feet. It was impossible to see anything through the mirrors on the sink being that my fellow orphans were taking steamy showers. I brush my teeth quickly and get a disturbing wiff of my armpit.
I hadnt showered or used deodorant in 4 days so I just rubbed some toothpaste around my pits and hoped for the best.
After I had shoved on some decent clothing for a poor orphan like me, I headed to the interview room.
The door was closed which meant the adoption agents were in there talking to whatever client was there before. I was so used to this. I've had thirty two interviews with parents since I became an orphan and still never been chosen. Its to the point where I don't care and I don't try to be a good kid. I just sit around most of the time and sketch air planes.
You'd think I would be afraid of airplanes but only me and three other people survived the crash ten years ago. It almost makes me feel special as if I'm unable to die in a the sky. My goal is to one day get a solo piloting license.
The door opens and I'm finally allowed in. The agent walks out and I step in.
Immediately I hate these people. They have nice clothing and a rich obnoxious look on their face. Then there is me with my ripped jeans, messy hair, and toothpaste deodorant. Gee whiz. This is going to be awful.
"I'm Rudolph," I grumbled.
"I'm John and this is my wife Christi," the man said.
"Ok," I replied.
"Tell us about yourself," Christi said reluctantly.
"I'm twelve. I sing and love music. Air planes are life-"
She cut me off.
"Did you say air planes are life?"
"Didn't your parents die on an airplane?" He chimed in.
"So?" I asked.
It got way worse from their. They said I should play piano and not electric guitar. What? Never. I hate these people and they hate me.

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