QuEeN's P.o.V

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Hi im Ariel and im random I’ll explain more about me later cause im too lazy to think of ideas for it. So here are the reasons why I hate Cynthia.

I thought she was my best friend…… No, she’s just plain rotten (like a tomato 0w0) she always says she hates her life then goes on o ruining others, sometimes even mine.

I’m an artist, I draw every chance I get, not really a writer (except for love poems or school essays) I have the best friends I could ever ask for and I love them to death! I have a few drawing obsessions such as Disney characters, steam punk anime (mostly my oc’s) and those little doodles. I also have the best boyfriend I could ask for, he is just simply perfect. I never want to lose that dork face.

Enough about my hobbies, let’s move on to Cynthia…. She might be what you call a lying, stupid, cheating slut. But she truly is exactly that. She never has just one boyfriend, its either 2, 3, or, 7. God and she flirts with nearly every new guy she meets always being with them and ignoring her so called ‘friends’. What irritates me the most is the fact that she has to know everything! If someone hides from her and shows everyone else she gets bitchy and whines. She says ‘you don’t love me!’ or ‘hiding secrets isn’t cool’ or ‘fine show them not me’ but she always hides something from us and we don’t mind one bit. The way she dresses is annoying as hell, short shirts that show her bra and shorts that could be mistaken for underwear. (Yup that short) third she makes all of us her personal punching bags. She is always slapping, hitting, kicking, punching, threatening, and she makes me feel so weak about myself! She is simply abusive.

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