Chapter 2

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Zayn's P.O.V ~


We sat down at the table with the Payne's. My father told me not to eat.

"I just ate at home thank you though." I smiled at Liam. He passed the pasta onto my dad who got a big scoop, he gave me a dirty smirk. My stomach growled. I hope nobody heard.

We all sat down and talked about them moving in. I just sipped my water. After about 20 minutes Liam had finished his food.

Liam was cute. I couldn't help staring. I was gay that's probably why my dad hates me so much. Oh well.

Mrs. Payne then said "Liam take Zayn around the house and go hang out in your room." She smiled.

Liam did as she said. I pulled in my chair and walked behind him like a lost puppy.

We went upstairs. "So I'm Liam." He said politely.

"Zayn." I said crossing my arms.

"Why didn't you eat Zayn?"

"I ate before."

"You are skin and bones." He laughed.

"No I'm not, anyways what brings you to Bradford?"

"Dad got a new job. I can't wait for school to start."

"Fuck. I can."

"You don't like school?"

"Fuck no. I mean No, sorry excuse my language." I said.

"Its okay man, I curse all the time." He smiles. I smiled back. His lips were so nice, I just wanted to...

I leaned in and kissed him....

He backed into the wall. "What? I...."

"I'm s...sorry." I stuttered wanting to cry. I ran downstairs and out the door and didn't stop until I made it home. My family was still over. My Dad was going to beat the shit out of me.


"Zayn Javadd Malik get your ass down here!"

I'm in trouble....

I walked down the stairs awaiting my beating I knew I was going to get. Life was unfair.

"Why the hell did you run away? You little pussy, learn how to be grown up." He slapped me.

"I'm s...sorry. I just got scared."

"Of what?! The new boy. You probably scared him because you are gay, you faggot."


"Yes! You are a worthless bitch, who is going to go to hell."

I looked down.

He grabbed my chin. "Answer me boy."

"Yes, yes." I whimpered.

"Good now go to bed before I change my mind and beat you."

I ran as fast as I could and went into my bed. I soon fell asleep.


I woke up. I walked downstairs. My dad was watching tv on the couch and Mom was cooking breakfast. I went into the kitchen.

"Hey Mum."

"Hi dear." She smiled. "I made you some toast."

"Thanks." I ate the two pieces of toast. I was about to head up to my room when my dad called me.



"Go to the store and get me some more cigarettes and don't be late or you'll be sorry!" He yelled.

"Okay." He handed me money. "Be back in 40 minutes."

"Okay." It was about a 7 minute walk to the store. That was enough time.

I walked out seeing Liam looking at me. He looked really confused. I decided to apologise.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm just trying to find my way to the store. I need to grab things for my mom."

"I can take you I'm picking up cigarettes for my Dad."

"Okay. Thanks." He smiled and bit his lip.


"I'm sorry about last night Liam. I just got really crazy."

"It's okay Zayn. You're cute. I'm gay anyways ha." He smiled

"Cool! Me too! And you really think so?"

"Yeah." He smiled.

"I think you are too." I smiled.

We arrived minutes later. I showed Liam a section in the store and went to buy the cigarettes. I came back.

Liam and I walked to different sections. 20 minutes later we left. My dad wanted me back at 11:45.

"Liam do you have a phone?"

"What time is it?"

"11:40 why?"

"Damn! I gotta go."


"Just cause. Ill see you later!"

I ran as fast as I could. It wasn't a very fast run. I arrived at 11:47 praying my Dad didn't read any clocks.

Bobby was waiting. Of course.

"Zayn you are two minutes late. You look flustered. Were you trying to run? Did I mention faggots don't run. You're so fat. Now go see Dad. I hope he beats you."

Fuck you. I said in my mind. I ignored him and gave my Dad the cigarettes. "Wow finally you are home."

"Yeah sorry." I looked down.

"Sorry I have to raise such a pathetic son. I wish you were dead. Now get the hell out of my sight."

Okay maybe I did want school to start. I would get away from my father.



Sorry I kinda forgot about this story 😭

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Ryna. ☺️

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