Chapter 2

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It's almost eight pm and we head home. As I walk in the dark, alone, I think of the 24 hours. I look at my arm and see 19 hours. I knock on the door thinking that my brother would open the door,"Arre bol na. Open the door, na man." I push the door and see that it dark. Very dark. I flip on the light switch and see him laying on the floor,"Oh my god! Arun!" I drop down to his side. 50 minutes left. I shouldn't have left this house,"Damn it Mel, you should've never left." I slap myself on my forehead. I dialed 911, giving them my name, address, and everything else needed for contact. Even that I'm still processing what happened, I called Chase. "Hang in there, little bro," I sooth. Saying that reminded me of the time when he would fall of the swing and bruise himself or when he would have a nightmare and scream so loud even mom couldn't handle him. All he wanted was me. When mom and dad died I had to make up a story. I told Arun that they were on a very long business trip. I didn't even know when Chase sat next to me,"How did you get in?" "You left the door open," he looks at me with a serious face. "I knew that I just wanted to make sure." I look down at Arun's time an see that 30 minutes are left. I can't hold these tears back any longer. I can't keep it together. Why can't the paramedics come here first? I uncontrollably start crying when Arun groans in pain,"Keep it together, little bro. You can do it." "Didi, where are you? Why can't I see you?" I look at Chase and he returns,"I'm right here little bro. I'll never leave you." Damn paramedics came when his time was on 15 minutes. They better take care of him.

I sit in the waiting room with Chase an I look at my time. 16 hours and its 12:06 am. The doctor gets out of the operation room with paper work,"I'm sorry," he says. I look up to face him,"What?" The doctor opens his mouth to repeat himself. I stand,"You're lying. He's not dead! It's lie!" I run down the hall to the operation room whispering 'He's not dead. It's some kind of trick.' Arun is on the hospital bed with his eyes closed. Tears flow out of my eyes and I hug him,"You told me not to leave you. Then why did you leave me? I'm supposed to protect you." I expected his small arms to wrap around me and his bright eyes to flutter open but they didn't. I step back and take one last look at my little bro. The little bro who I was supposed to take care of and never leave him alone. I swoon and feel someone trying to keep me steady. I whisper,"This is all my fault. Even mom and dads death it my fault."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2015 ⏰

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