The Sickning Sight

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Chapter 2

Normal Pov

Hijikata had a scared look on his face and his eyes were getting a little glassy at this sight of not moving pile of snow. As everyone took a notice of this they knew that this wasn't gonna be a good thing. Hijikata tried yelling for Chizuru at the same time trying to un bury the young girl.

Chizuru's Pov

It felt cool, trapped in a snowy prison. I had no where to go but to try and find a way out, as I finally saw a bit of light from the digging I also seen a hand that quickly grabbed my uncontrollable shivering hand to escape this hell. As I was finally free I couldn't speak too much or else it would seem that I would stutter  a ton. After seeing all eyes of the captains on me I felt dizzy at the sight. I even tried to stand but got pushed down by gravity itself. As soon as I seen blackness taking over me all I could say with a whisper was 'help me' and all lights were out.

Hijikata's Pov

As I seen this awful sight I tried to shake the girl and call her name but as her eyes rolled to the back of her head and hitting the back of her head on the pile of snow that she was in prison by, I felt something warm and wet fall down my cheek. I quickly called for Yamazaki to come and inspect her but I was told to bring her to her room or somewhere warm so she can stop uncontrollably stop her shivers. I felt a sick feeling in my stomach and feeling of guilt on myself and I should have protected the girl but didn't. There for I quickly grabbed her cool body and brought her to her chambers at last. Thinking to save the women I love.

Normal Pov

As Yamazaki finished inspections Chizuru he came to the conclusion that she may be in this state for a few days. As Hijikata herd on what Yamazaki just said he felt so much guilt but a mushy sickning feeling in his stomach now that she maybe be stuck in this state for a little while as well still being unconscious. As everyone else's faces were in shook, Hijikata stared at the 4 Captains that thought it was a great idea in the first place to do such thing to his lover. As the 4 captains seen the Vice commanders face which had anger but sadness in it they said that they would do anything to repay for that moment of time and to apologies. Quickly Saito said to the gang that maybe we should give Yukamura her space since her conditions may get worse. Quickly Hijikata said that he would stay with the girl while the guys do their task and patrol as always. Everyone agreed and walked off leaving the 'Demon Vice Commander' with  his lover and the unconscious girl, trying to take care of her.

Hijikata's Pov

As I was watching the girl sleep I felt a pain in my heart that either something just stabbed me of some sorts then came the sick feeling in my stomach that was either from guilt or not eating that much today since I have skipped lunch and dinner just to stay with the love of my life. After a few more moment in pain I could feel a few tears running down my cheek. I tried to talk to Chizuru in her sleeping form such as to 'wake up'. As I tilted my head down even more all I kept hearing was her screaming from that impact which I should of been protecting her then standing around. My vision started to Blur even more with tears that I started to shake and kept breathing faster like if I was hyperventilating or something. After coming back into reality I felt two loving and gentle hands on one of my cheeks and an arm around me.

Chizuru's Pov
As I have woken up from being in the darkness all I could hear was someone talking to them self but crying and breathing really quickly as if they were hyperventilating. As I finally seen who it was I quickly laid one of my hands on his cheek and laid my other arm and hand around him. As I herd him say Chizuru?!.. I have taken the liberty on holding him closer to me and whipping his tears away. I tried to say a few things to calm him down such as "It's gonna be okay or Don't worry I'm hear now". Until I felt his arms wrap around me.

Normal Pov

As Hijikata wrap his arms around Chizuru he finally started to calm down a little bit. As he finally spoke all he could say was "I'm sorry" Hijikata kept on repeating that to Chizuru until she finally realized what he meant. As quickly look into his watery, sparkling purple eyes. All she could say was "it's not your fault Hijikata-San, please do not think that this is your fault. In a way it's mine for going near that tree in the first place. Therefor don't hate yourself or even apologies to me about that okay." As she said that with gentleness and kindness from her voice Hijikata tighten his grip on the girl and place his forehead on Chizuru's. As she felt a bit hot on her forehead and shivered in his arms all he could feel was a breath on his lips until he realized that they are just inches away from each other. Hijikata stared into Chizuru's eyes as did of Chizuru to Hijikata. As they both had the same thought they both came in and fun ally kissed.

After a few more moment more of kissing it was starting to turn a bit more passionate. After until they both pulled away to catch their breaths. Hijikata felt sleep coming in and decided to lay down next to Chizuru.
Chizuru was blushing a crimson red and realized that right before she fell back into her pillow that Hijikata's hair was starting to come lose. After staring a few moments she places some of her blankets on Hijikata and places a pillow under his head. As sleep was approaching Hijikata pulled Chizuru to his side and held her waist until he can finally say "Call me Toshi or Toshizo"
As Chizuru giggles she quickly turned to face the commander and said softly " I love you Toshizo" and finally closed her eyes as did Hijikata.

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