Chapter 2

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(Above: Sawyer's outfit. Made by Polyvore)

I tossed my bag on the ground as well and jumped onto the bed.
"How'd you get that key?"he asked laying on the couch.
"I dunno I found it the other day,"I replied looking at the key on my neck.
"Glad you did,"he whispered.
"Me too."
"So why'd you want me to come with you?"I asked getting off the bed and digging in my pockets for a lighter to light candles.
"Who else would come?"he laughed helping me light candles. We lite 7 candles and turned of the flashlight.
I suddenly got sad and wanted to cry.
" know I would do anything to save you before.....I wanted to I-I just didn't know how...I'm sorry,"I whispered at I felt tears go down my cheeks.
I sat on the ground against the wall and he slid down next to me. He looked at the ground. I watched the candle light take over half of his face while the darkness of the bunker took over the other half.
"It wasn't your fault,"he whispered.
"...I could've saved you,"I said as the tears continued to rain from my eyes. I felt his hands grab my cheeks. He was sitting up on his knees now and forced me to look him in the eyes.
"IT. IS. NOT. YOUR. FAULT."he said pausing between each word.
I got cut off again but this cut off was different. He cut me off with his lips...
Our lips moved in sync an I couldn't stand to end the kiss. But sadly he pulled away. He didn't let go of my cheeks and he waited for me to say something. I couldn't find words as I was still in shock.
"I saw your face before, when they were hanging me, I knew you wanted to help, but all of those people made it hard to."he let go of my cheeks and laid down on the bed,"the past is in the past."
"Why'd you..just do that,"I asked finally able to talk again.
"Kiss you?"
My lips tingled as he said the word.
"Yeah,"I replied trying to look anywhere but in his eyes.
"Because the past is in the past,"he smiled playing his hands behind his head and smiling.
"That's a lame excuse,"I whispered crossing my arms and leaning back against the wall. I heard Murphy laugh at my comeback. I got up and walked over to the mattress an laid down next to him. I laid on my back like he was.
"Murphy?"I whispered looking at the ceiling.
"I um think I kind of like you,"I instantly regretted saying that. Awkward silence filled the bunker as we laid there thinking about our next moves. I sat up and looked at Murphy waiting for him to say anything. He was giving me that evil grin of his.
"Well??"I said shaking my head in confusion.
"I don't know,"he laughed closing his eyes. I felt my heart drop a bit and laid back down falling asleep.

I wake up alone on the mattress. The light from the halfway burnt candles illuminates the room.
"Murphy?"I call out afraid of the darkness beyond the candle light. My voice quietly echoes through the bunker.
"Murphy!?"I shout now getting up. Still no reply I walk towards the ladder but stop to see a paper on the coffee table. I put my hair behind my ears to keep it out of my face while I lean down to read the paper. The writing was sloppy but I read it anyway,
"I don't trust you like I used to had a chance to help me but instead you left me hanging by my neck almost dying. I'm going off on my own. It was a bad idea to bring you
I fell to my knees in tears. Suddenly, a grounder came through the hatch. It was tall and buff and had a skull on it's face. I tried to run but I was unable to move. It started to scream at me.
Why was it yelling that?"

I sat up shaking and realized my eyes were teary.
"Saw are you okay?"asked Murphy with his hands on my shoulders. I grabbed him into a hug.
"I am now,"I whispered into his neck. His wrapped his arms around me.
"What's wrong?"I barely heard him ask.
"Bad dream,"I simply replied. He pulled away.
"About what?"he sat Infront of me and sat criss crossed. I uncovered myself and hugged my knees to my chest which I always did.
"You left because you didn't trust me,"I whispered in a scratchy voice.
"Hey, it was just a dream. I'm right here,"he said with a smile. I felt a tear go down my cheek again but smiled it off.
"I know. Murphy?"
"Yeah?"he had a look of confusion again.
"Why do I have an urge to kiss you again?" I keep saying my thoughts by accident.
"Because I'm irresistible,"he laughed grinning like always.
"More like irritating!"I sighed shoving him off the mattress.
"Oh wow asshole!"he shouted tackling me. I shoved him harshly onto the mattress and then pinned him down. My brain took over again. I climbed on him and bent down to kiss him. He kissed back! He rolled on top of me and pinned me down the same way.
"I win!"he shouted breaking the kiss and running around the bunker. I rolled my eyes.
"Technically I won,"I sighed crossing my arms.
"Whatever,"he smiled opening the hatch.
"Where are you going?"I whined,"the game isn't oooooveeerrrr!"
"I just know you can't catch me,"he laughed sticking his head in the opening. I got up and ran to the ladder.
"Murphy you asshole!"I shouted climbing up the ladder.
"Your kinda cute when your angry,"I heard him chuckle. I got out and looked to see him leaning against a tree with his evil grin again.
"Asshole,"I muttered
"So what do you think of you and me Saw?"asked Murphy
"What do you mean?"I asked closing the hatch.
"Well if it wasn't obvious I like you, and you like me. We could be LIKE A THING!"he paused a few times to think of a word to describe it.
"Murphy."I said in a serious tone.
"Saw I'm serious!"he said walking towards me. He grabbed by face
In his hands,"I like you."
His lips gently met with mine again. Everytime, we kissed it's like my lips couldn't get enough. I never wanted it to end. I pulled away and we looked into eachothers eyes. Unlike my blue eyes his were a soft blue. His eyes were the exact shade of the sky. Mine were more of an ocean blue.
"I'm kind hungry are you? hey why don't we have a picnic!?"I got really excited at the fact of having a picnic on the ground.
"I'll be here,"said Murphy as I reopened the hatch. I climbed down the ladder and closed it so I could actually surprise Murphy with the food we would have. I grabbed a can of  beans. I also found a can of steak and mushroom soup. I also grabbed my blue blanket and headed back up the ladder.
"I don't know if you like bea- Murphy?"I stared down at the can and then looked around..he wasn't here!
"Murphy?"I called again with no answer.
Maybe he went to take a pee?
Suddenly, something hit the side of my head and I dropped to the ground. I looked around to see what it was or who it was but saw something I didn't want to see. A grounder?! My vision blurred and I began to feel weak and tired.

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