Chapter 1

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My name is Sawyer. Sawyer Johnson. I was born and raised on the Ark. I've never heard complete silence or felt real air. When I was 14 I got arrested for stealing moonshine. My mother tried to keep it a secret but as soon as my father found out (he's one of the head-guards) he turned me and my mother in. My mom got floated an I was sent off to the sky box.


"Prisoner 117, face the wall and hold out your right arm,"announced a guard busting into my cell.
"Why would I listen to you?"I asked crossing my arms. He whipped out a lashing stick thing,"oh the horror."
He zapped me in the center of the back an I winced in pain.
"That was an order!"he shouted. I shook my head and followed the order. They grabbed my wrist and clipped on a wristband that dug into my skin.
"Ow!"I whined.
They started to lead me out of my cell with my hands held behind my back.
"Sawyer?"I heard someone call. I turned around to see him.
"you son of a bitch!"I shouted trying to grab him. The guards held me back.
"Well, I love you too,"he laughed stroking my hair.
"Don't fucking touch me!"I yelled spitting in his face.
"You shouldn't talk to your father like that,"he said with an evil smile. He went to kiss my forehead and I jolted it forward hitting him in the nose.
He raised his hand to his nose which had a tiny blood stream.
"Take her,"he whispered giving me a look of disgust. They continued to lead me to a ship where other prisoners were.
"I'm not 18 yet!"I shouted. I started to squirm around and try to get out of their grip. Then, I felt a sharp pinch in my arm. I looked at the guard that was holding me as he pulled the tranquilizer out of my arm.
"Yo-You can't do this to"I whispered as my vision started to blur.


I woke up to several other teenagers talking about what was going on. I opened my eyes and realized I was strapped to a wall.
"Wh-where are we? What the hell is all of this?"I asked on the verge of a panic attack. No one seemed to hear me. Just then the Chancellor appeared on a screen. He started going on about "mission Earth" and "mount weather" and how we were "expandable".
"This is insane!"I whispered to myself. Suddenly, we increased speed and I felt really sick. I grabbed the arm of the guy next to me without really realizing it.
"What the hell are you doing?"he asked shaking my hand off his arm.
"I'm sorry,"I replied placing my head back and closing my eyes.
"Are you going to be sick?"he asked me. I shrugged and nodded at the same time. I felt a hand on my hand and I opened my eyes.
"I'm John,"he had to yell do to the sound of the ship.
"Sawyer,"I also yelled. He smiled and nodded. I held his hand and closed my eyes. I felt the ship jolt upwards and knew that the parachutes deployed. We started to go down.

"This is it...this is the end,"I thought to myself squeezing my eyes shut. We hit the ground hard but the ship survived. Everyone started to unbuckle including John and I.
"So Sawyer huh? Ya know my parents used to read me 'Tom Sawyer' and stuff like that,"laughed John unbuckling himself.
"Where do you think my parents got the name?"I laughed. I climbed down the ladder to the second floor and then down another ladder to the first floor where everyone was gathered.
"Don't open the door! The air could be toxic!"shouted a Blonde girl as she pushed through the crowd.
"If the air is toxic we're dead anyway,"replied a guy in a guards uniform.
"That's Bellamy Blake, he shouldn't be on the ship?"whispered John in confusion.
"Bellamy?"said a girl climbing down the ladder. The girl shoved through us and over to Bellamy and they talked and hugged.
"Where's your wristband?"asked the blonde girl from before. As she said that I looked down at my wristband in disgust.
"Uh do you mind? I haven't seen my brother in a year!"shouted the other girl.
"No one has a brother?"
"That's Octavia Blake! They found her hidden under the floorboards!!"shouted different people. Octavia didn't like the comments and started to go after the people but Bellamy held her back. They started to say something and then Bellamy pulled the lever. The door dropped to the ground filling the ship and our lungs with..AIR! Fresh air! I closed my eyes and sucked in the air. 
"This should be fun,"whispered John leaving the ship along with everyone else. I spun in a circle in the beautiful forest. It was amazing. Everything was green and the smell was how I always pictures it to be. I loved it here! I noticed the blonde girl from the drop-ship (Clarke) was with a group of people and they started off to find food. I focused more on building a tent which Bellamy said to do. Some people had to share tents and some had to sleep in the drop-ship...I was one that slept in the drop-ship. We only had six tents. Bellamy got one, Murphy got one, Octavia shared with Clarke, Jasper shared with Monty, Derek shared with Connor, and Finn had his own. I sighed and ran back to the drop-ship to find a place to make my own. The first floor had about 15 people crammed Into it so I went to the second level. It was crammed too. The third level had about 5 guys and 2 girls which worried me but I found a corner and started to lay down blankets.
"Hey there,"said a guy. He had the same hair color as me (light brown). His hair came down just above his light green eyes.
"Hi,"I whispered stopping myself from staring.
"I'm Axstin,"he smiled. Even his teeth were amazing.
"I'm Sawyer,"I replied biting my lip so I wouldn't smile.
"I'll um see you around,"said Axstin before he climbed down the ladder. I nodded. He was pretty cute. I laid down a thick dark blue blanket and grabbed a pillow. My area wasn't that big but it will do. When I was finished, I went outside. I really wish we had food because my last meal was two days ago and I was starving.
"Hey Saw!"said John shoving his hands in his pockets.
"Saw?"I asked with a laugh.
"Yes, that's your new nickname,"he replied,"and call me Murphy."
"Why Murphy?"
"Because new home, new me,"he said trying not to laugh,"and there's other Johns."
"Oooh,"I started to stare at Axstin who was working on a tent.
"Hey Sawyer, you can share a tent with me,"Said Axstin walking towards me.
"That sounds great,"I cheered. Axstin smiled and walked away to continue to build the tent.
"Falling in love with Axstin Jones, aye?"whispered 'Murphy'
"Yeah? So?"I replied in a snobby tone.
"You know he was in for rape right?"Murphy sighed.
I felt my eyes grow large but I wouldn't let him know. I went back to the drop-ship and sat down on the soft blue blanket. It was really nice here but I'm still not used to it.
"Oh I didn't know anyone was up here,"I looked up to see Clarke.
"Hi. Your back?"
"Well yeah but not all of us,"replied Clarke.
"What?!!?!"I nearly shouted standing up.
"Jasper was taken by Grounders,"she whispered looking down.
"Yes there are survivors."
Clarke left again and I soon followed. She was getting a group together to search for Jasper. Finn, Bellamy, Murphy, Wells, and Clarke set off to find him. I laid down on my pillow and started to close my eyes when I felt someone lightly shake me. I flickered my eyes open. It was Axstin.
"Hey you coming to my tent?"he asked. I remembered what Murphy told me before.
" I'm uh-I'm fine here,"I said with a little smile.
"Oh okay,"he fake pouted and started to walk away. I closed my eyes again. Suddenly, I felt a hand pressing over my mouth.
"Try something stupid and you die,"whispered Axstin. I nodded. He forcefully made me stand up. He held onto my arm tightly and yanked me down the ladder.
"Where are we going?"I asked trying not to cry in fear.
"For some fun,"he whispered against my neck. He started to kiss my neck but I wasn't into it. Then he pressed his lips to mine and continued to kiss me. I didn't kiss back which made him angry he pulled away and looked into my eyes. Then he pulled his hand back and slapped me as hard as he could right across my face.
"What the hell?"I nearly shouted at him.
"Don't act like your not into it!"he replied. He grabbed my arm and continued to yank and drag me to..his tent. He shoved me into the tent where
I landed on my side. I went to get up but Axstin ran to my side and pinned me down by my shoulders. He started to unzip my olive green jacket. He threw it across the tent. Then he took off my maroon and black t-shirt. I was left in a black long sleeved shirt and black jeans along with my combat boots. He proceeded in stripping me. My long sleeved shirt was tossed to the other side of the tent. I felt cold chills come across my stomach and chest as I laid in a black bra and jeans. He left the bra on and started to kiss from my neck  down. I started to squirm around and scream and cry. He pulled out a knife and pressed it against my throat.
"Sh sh shhh it'll be alright,"he gave me an evil grin. He cut a piece of his shirt and placed it in my mouth and tied it around my head.
"Now I don't want to hurt you...SO DONT MAKE ME!"he yelled slapping me across the face. I felt tears spill out of my eyes and gush down my cheeks making them sting even more. He started to tug at my jeans.
"Axstin?"I heard a familiar voice call from outside the tent.
"I'm busy,"replied Axstin trying to hide me. Murphy busted into the tent.
"Bellamy get over here now!"shouted Murphy while tackling Axstin. Bellamy rushed into the tent and looked around in confusion. Murphy stood up holding Axstin.
"You know what you have to do,"laughed Murphy shoving Axstin into Bellamy's hands. Bellamy took him outside. Tears continued to gush out of my eyes as Murphy ran to me.
"Is he cute now?"he asked trying to get me to smile. He took the cloth out of my mouth and helped me gather my clothes from around the tent.
Once I got dressed I left with Murphy.
"Stay right here,"Murphy declared as he ran off to Bellamy. They glanced at me and continued to talk. Murphy ran back to me.
"Good news your staying with me,"announced Murphy pretending to be excited.
"Yay,"I replied.
"Go get your things, and then come to my tent,"said Murphy before we walked our separate ways. I grabbed my blanket and pillow and ran to his tent. It was pretty big. Larger than my cell on the Ark. He only had one bed type thing that he made but it was big.
"You can sleep wherever,"he motioned around the tent.
"Why are you protecting me?"I asked suddenly.
"Who else would protect you? Axstin?"
I frowned and laid down on the bed and covered up with my blanket since it was freezing. Murphy plopped down next to me. I shivered and curled up into a ball.
"Here,"whispered Murphy placing another blanket on me.
"Thank you,"I whispered. I started to fall asleep.

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