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" didn't..." I stammered out at his words and he merely nodded.

"But I did," he said softly, and I refused to look him in the eyes, jerking my head to look the other way.

"How long?" I asked.

"Y/N you have to understand-"

"How long." I asked with a harsh and shaky voice.

"A few months.." he trailed off.

I could almost literally feel my fragile heart shatter in my chest, tears that had welled up in my eyes were threatening to fall, but I angrily refused to let them. Harry wasn't going to see me weak, see me broken at him cheating on me - multiple times - and not telling me until now.

"So you, while I was here and I was so fucking fait-" A thought came through my mind, to break him just as he had broken me. But I couldn't do it. I couldn't make him feel like he had just made me, I would never want someone to experience this kind of pain, this much heartbreak.

"Whatever, Harry. We're done," I said and I heard him take a sharp breath.

"That's great," his cockiness was taking over now, the persona that prevents him from getting hurt, "She's already my girlfriend, anyways. You were just baggage."

I clenched my teeth and ran up the stairs of our flat, slamming the door behind me and sliding down the door, letting out my sobs quietly, putting my hands over my mouth to muffle the sounds.

He squeezed the last of my shattered heart in his cruel hands. I couldn't even look at him anymore, it hurt too bad.

I knew I hadn't been good enough for him, it was always hard to live up to what he deserved, but now I knew I wasn't, I was done.

He hurt me, and he's obviously not going to be in pain, he has his new girl to calm him down, to wipe his tears, to be good enough for him.

I hurriedly grabbed my things, leaving the other items I could live without because I would never return to this god forsaken place.

I stuck my phone in my back pocket and opened the door, only to be faced with Harry, wheezing tremendously on the ground, trying to catch his breath.

"I-I can't-" he tried to talk, tried to tell me he couldn't breathe and that he needed me.

I could tell he had been coming up here to get his inhaler, but that didn't make much of sense because we had another in the kitchen and if I did what Harry deserved, I would just leave him lay.

But I was still in love with him, obviously, and it was killing me to see him like this, in so much pain and not being able to take a breath.

I dropped everything in my hands and rushed to the nightstand, opening Harry's drawer and grabbing his inhaler and rushing back over to him, turning him over onto his back and sitting down on the ground, resting his head in my crossed legs lap.

I stuck part of the inhaler in his mouth and pumped the air inside of him, running my other fingers through his hair, whispering in his ear, "Shh, breathe, Harry. I need you to breathe. You're going to be okay, I just need you to breathe."

"Come on, Harry, calm down and breathe." He was still shaking, but I continued to soothe him, stroking his hair and running my fingers over his face until he had calmed down, and pressing my lips to his forehead his bloodshot eyes looked up at me, a single tear falling down from his eye, and as he reached up to touch my face, I flinched away.

He had still done what he did, but I wasn't just going to leave him there to struggle, to possibly lose consciousness from the lack of oxygen. I had to do something, but now I was done, and I wanted away from him.

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