Chapter 12 nialls birthday and perrie....

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Cassies POD.

ahhh i am so excited for nialls party today.

i have aranged for justin bieber to come and meet niall.

niall is a huge fan of him. Niall said his dream date is to go to nandos with JB.

so for the party i put a contest online for 5 lucky fans to come meet him. and stay at the party.

and if they are around age they get to go clubbing with us

The bad thing is, zayn wont asnwer any if our texts calls nothing.

he has been in the hospital with perrie for days.

she has went into shock from all the blood loss.

i hope she gets better i stop at the hospital to see her when ever i can but i have been so busy lately.

Nialls POV.

* in the shower* *singing* to the tune of save you tonight.*


" beautiful singing hun" i heard cass say.

She is checking the contest for the 5 people that get to meet me.

lucky them. i am pretty hot and sexy and adorable. " did you realise you said that out loud"? i heard cass say

. " oh shit, i did say that outloud" " well at least you wernt lying " she said while laughing

Zayns POV

* at the hospital*

what have i done.

this is all my fault .

i deserve to be in that hospital bed not her.

those thoughts just keep going threw my head non stop.

"Mr. malik , you may go see her now" the nurse said.

" thank you" i said while running into the room.

" zayn, perrie has went out of shock but needs to rest.

talk to her if you'd like but dont let her move around. "ok, thanks"

"perrie, you awake" i walked in to see all the needles in her arm and all the bruses and cuts. i started crying.

her eyes flutterd open and i say those big gorgous eyes.

" hello love" i said wiping my tears off my puffy eyes from crying for hours before.

" why are you here, i thought you loved katie" she said looking at her hands

"no, she is a liar and i could care less but perrie i love you so much words could not explain it" i said holding hand

" do you really mean it", she said brushing over her cuts

ok i might have over exagerated about how bad her cuts were.

she just has a few on both her arms but they were deep and she has on on a each leg and a tiny onne on her stomach by her hip.

" perrie, promise me that youll never scare the shit out of me like this again, " i said

. she smiled a little bit. " i promise as long as you dont scare me like that again, i thought i had lost you forever. i guess i thought if i couldnt have you then there was no other reason to live.

" perrie , you are my main pain sometimes but your also my beautiful lover" i said while speaking in a deeper voice when i said lover and winking.

 she laughed and hugged me, its good to have my perrie pie back.

Cassies POV

"so the five fans that get to meet you are

Kiley summers ( 16)

Amelia kole ( 17)

 bailey siute ( 14)

kinley richards ( 18)

mia wells ( 12)" i said telling niall the five girls that won. only amelia and kinley get to go clubbing with us.

* the party*

" yayyy baby el and louis and tori are here" niall said while picking up el and greeting louis and tori

" lisa, finally you show up" i say as i hug her

" i know its been forever!!" she said

" ley ley" el said running to liam well the run a few steps then fall thing she does.

she can only say a few words like harry taught her to say kitty

and louis taught her daddy but she pronounces it dottie.

tori taught her mummy. but she pronounces it moo-me haha.

niall taught her two words justin bieber but she prononces it jusin ber ber

. and he taught her uncle ni ni but the funny thing is she gets her p's and n's mixed up some how so every once in a while she will say  ni pi instead of ni ni.

any way the people that won the contest just got here.

" aAHHHHHHHHHH, ITS NIALL FRALING HORAN AHHHHHHHH" i heard the little 12 year old say peircing my ear drums.

" yes i know im fabulous but calm down" niall said laughing. " omg omg im mia" she said hyper ventalating

* in alittle bit*

* i was by my slef in the kitchen about ready to bring out nialls cake*

" hey" said that girl kinley. she was one of the people who won the contest

"hey" i said

" just to let you know, niall is mine and i wont stop for anything to get him. so back off bitch" she said while turing around to leave.

" what did you just call me?" i said grabbing her arm.

" a bitch, ya thast what i said you a stupid ugly bitch who is just with niall for his money" she said slapping me

i didnt know but niall saw her slap me

" ohh,  your going to regret that'" i said while jumping on top of her and pulling her hair. she then flipped me over and punched me right in the lip. then i kicked her backwards she hit the table.

niall was now running down stairs to come help me .

he pulled the girl out from under me. harry pulled me off of her.

then that little bitch turned around and kissed my niall.

he immidiantly pushed her off then i tried to tackle her agian but alex ( harry's gf) got ahold of me so i would kill her aha.

then paul came in and said " i think its time for you to go" while picking up and swinging her around on his shoulder and taking her to a taxi.

" are you ok cass" niall said rushing over to me " ya im fine , she just busted my lip a little" i said covering my mouth

"we arent going clubbing tonight" niall said

" why not" ? i said trying to get up.

then niall whisperd into my ear " i have something more scecial waiting for us"

"ugh ok" , i said trying to fool everyone else so they didny know what we would be doing. ;)

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