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About a week later, Alice was fully recovered and things were almost as though the seperation had never happened. Finally released from her restrictions, the first thing Alice did was head in the direction of the roof. The first morning of her release, Dak and Alice spent it in the crystal clear waters of the pool. They took turns diving, played tag underneath the surface and even had a splash war between the two of them. It wasn't until a little after midday that Dak decided it was time to break for lunch.

"Alright Bunny, time to get out and dry off. We can get back in after we eat lunch..." He grabbed her hand, tugging her towards the edge of the pool. "Dak..." She whined but nonetheless, followed him out. If she had her way, she would live in the water. "How about we make it a game, hmm?" An idea popped into his head. "You dry off while I go grab something from the kitchen." He pressed a kiss to her temple before heading towards the towels; after wrapping her up, he knelt down in front of her. "Stay dry or you won't be in the pool until tomorrow."

With that, he headed back down toward the kitchen; he grabbed a tray full of finger foods. Before heading back up to the roof, Dak grabbed a silk tie from their room. He wasn't going to make things easy on her. Alice was sitting obediently where he had left here, though it looked like she was fidgeting with impatience. "Alright, the wait's over. How about we make this interesting?" He sat down in front of her, the tray of food behind him. "What are you up to Dak?" She asked, her eyebrows raised in curiosity. He grabbed the tie, holding it out in front of her. "Let's play a game; I'll feed you something and without seeing what it is, you have to guess what I'm feeding you. Before we do anything, it's nothing you haven't had before so no worrying about that." Dak smirked at her.

She thought for a moment before smiling. "Okay!" With that, Alice leaned forward for him to put the scarf on trusting him completely. He tied a loose but secure knot in the back, making sure it would stay on. "Can you see anything?" He stuck his tongue out at her, knowing she start laughing if she saw that. When she shook her head, Dak took that as his green light to begin the 'game.' He first grabbed something that'd she know; green grapes from Mandelore. She opened her mouth, her tongue out just a little awaiting his movement. "First one, what is it?" He popped it into her mouth, poking the tip of her nose with a soft smile. While she chewed, he grabbed one for himself.

"A grape, the ones we always eat; it's one of the green ones." She answered after a moment. "Impressive, most impressive." He nodded, looking over the tray; red grapes, cheeses, crackers and chocolate all lay in tempting piles. He picked up one of the sweet crackers, gently feeding it to her. "You have to tell me what kind of cracker this is..." Her tongue came out and swept her lips once she had eaten it, getting the last few crumbs. "One of the sweet little round crackers? the ones with the holes in the center?" She asked cautiously. "Two for two, my dear; are you sure you're not cheating?" He chuckled, shaking his head at her.


A few rounds later, all that was left was the pile of chocolates. There were some creme-filled ones, which were his favorites along with a few others; the soft-chocolate center chocolate she adored were included. "Alright, just a few more and we can call it a meal; ready for your next one?" He grabbed a rectangular bar that was a little over half an inch long; it was a berry-filled, white chocolate square. An idea popped into his head as he put about half the chocolate between his lips.

She felt the piece prod her mouth like before as she opened, only this time she felt something else move against her. "Hey, I thought I was just eating these pieces." She chuckled, gently pulling and breaking it off of his but not before their lips touched briefly. Dak shushed her, bringing her lips back to his own. The chocolate had melted a little over her lips, giving him the idea to lick them clean. He did just that, caressing her cheek as they kissed. Her hands moved around to his neck, rubbing his shoulders gently before tugging herself closer to him.

He broke the kiss, chuckling softly. "Two more, Love." He grabbed his favorite chocolate, putting it between his lips. Dak leaned forward, gently grabbing hold of her neck. Even though she was blindfolded, Alice closed her eyes as her lips met both Dak's and the chocolate. She moaned softly and had to smile a little; that was his favorite type of chocolate, she knew that without a doubt. "Last one." He turned around and grabbed the last piece, putting it in her open mouth. "No more guessing..." Again, he kissed her but this time rougher than before. She responded just as hard as him, still smiling to herself. Alice's hands traced the sides of his face as though seeng his features with her fingertips.

Dak pulled her into his lap, slowly releasing the tie from her head. After he finally managed to get it off, he threw it away from the lounger they sat on. After eating the chocolate, they still were kissing each other passionately. Alice small hands could never stay still when they kissed; right now, they were tracing his shoulders and running down his chest. Her eyes were closed now as she made a hum of agreement. The kiss turned into more of a makeout session. They only broke apart when oxygen became a worry; Dak broke the kiss, keeping her forehead resting against his.

"Best... Lunch... Ever."

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