The next day the two were enjoying breakfast back on Tatooine when Dak was pulled aside by one of his servants. "Sir, there is a holo message coming from Mighty Jabba himself."

"Thank you." He dismissed the servant before going over to Alice. "I'll be back in a moment, Jabba's on the Holo." With a kiss on her temple, he left the patio and headed to his study. Once inside, he pulled up Jabba's frequency and bowed to the hologram Hutt when he appeared. "Mighty Jabba, to what do I owe this honor?"

"Greetings my boy, I've decided to see how the girl was working for you, and whether or not you liked her." The Hutt seemed rather relaxed as he spoke to the gangster before him. Dak took this as his cue to relax. "I like her very much, she's beyond what I was expecting... Though her arrival didn't go so well, I can't say that I'm not happy to have her. At this point, just a little over two weeks later, I don't think I could go back to being alone. Alice has changed my life, Jabba; she's perfect to me." This seemed to surprise the overgrown slug.

"An Alice? Vader, I ordered you a girl that goes by the name of Lilliah." Dak scrunched up his nose at this. "Lillah? N-No, Mighty Jabba, you sent me a girl named Alice Voss. Blonde, petite, green eyes; I have to say I am beyond pleased with her. She makes my day now..." He zoned off, his mind drifting to the girl waiting for him outside. Jabba seemed to think for a moment before he spoke again. "I know the girl you speak of... She is no slave girl! She was a new transfer from Ziro's ore mines! She was to be transferred to my spice minds on Kessel; there must have been a mix up." He sounded annoyed, though his attitude was not directed at Dak.

"Mighty Jabba, don't burden yourself with unnecessary stress; I happen to like Alice very much. For the longest time, I didn't think I would ever like someone as I do her. She fits in perfectly here..." He tried to calm Jabba but if anything, it seemed as though his words fell upon deaf ears. "This type of mistake is unacceptable! I want her returned immediately!" He boommed, angry that anyone would make such a mixup under his watch. "Mighty Jabba, please, I beg you to let me keep her." Dak knelt down before him, trying to think of a way to turn this around. "She has other uses; she was never meant to be a slave girl. She is manual materials of which I have use for. In all legal rights, she is not yours to ask for, son." He answered, trying to sound less harsh.

"Jabba please... Please don't take her from me. I'm begging you here..."

"No! My orders have been spoken! I want her returned today, Dak." With that, the transmission cut off, leaving Dak on his knees. His hands went to his scalp, digging into the skin there. "No... Please no..." He shut his eyes, feeling this unfamiliar burning sensation within. "Alice... No... I can't..." In that moment, he decided that if he was going to conform to Jabba's commands, Alice would have the best day ever. Dak quickly got up and found the nearest servant in the corridor. "I need you to get a hold of Jabba's people; have his collectors arrive at dusk. Tell him I'll be ready then." Not even giving the poor thing a chance to respond, he stormed off towards the patio area outside.

"I'm back, Sweetheart." He knelt down beside her chair, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Today, you're calling the shots; what do you want to do?"

"I just want to spend it with you, like always... Can we go swimming?" She asked brightly, totally unaware anything was wrong. "Of course, anything you want." Dak decided that he wasn't going to tell her. He wanted her to remember the happy times; he didn't wants her to remember today as the day he sent away. He'd put her to sleep later and send her off unconscious; he couldn't bare to think of the oncoming event occur with her awake...

Alice smiled brightly and jumped up to change while pulling him along, bouncing off towards their room. To her, all Alice would see was a soft smile; inside, Dak could already feel himself breaking down. She changed into her swimsuit quickly and then impatiently waited for him to change. He dragged himself out of the closet, smirking to when he was met with her back. He snuck up behind her and pulled little Bunny into his arms then carried her all the way upstairs. She squealed lightly and kicked her legs playfully but Dak held her his willing prisoner; that was until he tossed her lightly into the clear, cool waters of the rooftop pool. Once she was submerged, he followed her into the pool with a swan dive.

Alice came up for air then decided to wait until he came up beside her; she splashed water in his face with a micheavious smile on her face. "Oh, it's on now, Little One!" Using the force, Dak summoned a small orb of water to his hand then tossed it at her. She dove underwater than reappeared behind him, wrapping her hands around his neck and her legs around his hips. He held her up by her thighs; being so close was bittersweet. "I guess you win this one, Bunny." He carried her out of the main pool and over to the infinity. Stepping down into the water, Dak slowly maneuvered her to sit in his lap while they both say on a step.

"Let's just relax, okay?"

"Okay." She sighed happily, curling against him. He ran a hand over her head. "You know I care a lot about you right?" She nodded her head. "I care a lot for you too." Alice looked up so her bright eyes connected with his. "Good. I don't want you to ever doubt that or think that I don't because I do... I really do." He leaned down, resting his forehead against hers. "I know you do Dak, I trust you more than anything." Alice answered, bringing her hands up to hold each side of his face. "Then you'll trust that what I have to do isn't by choice... I'm so sorry." Before she could react, Dak pressed his lips to hers passionately. He kept a hand behind her neck; when she started to kiss back, he used the force to help her drift off into unconsciousness. When her head lulled forward onto his shoulder, he just sat there for a minute. Until dusk rolled in, Dak just sat there cradling her to his chest.

"I'm so sorry, Alice..."

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