17th September 2014

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September approached and Shawn was still doing promo in Europe and occasionally travelling home to Canada when he had time off. We didn't see each other as much as I would have liked over the summer, but Shawn did ask me to go on holiday with him and his family to Disneyland, Florida.  

My parents took an almost instant like to Shawn and immediately let me go away with him, even to my surprise. I had bought a lot of new clothes over the summer ready for college so I packed them all into my suitcase, along with toiletries, my make-up, more clothes, shoes, hair accessories and any other random things I felt I needed, which of course, I didn't.

Shawn and his family were in the UK the day we flew into Florida as they were visiting family, meaning I could fly with them to the US. We were to fly from Manchester airport to Orlando airport and I couldn't have been more excited. I'd been away with my parents, El and Jack to Majorca in July and now I was going to Florida with my amazing boyfriend and his family.


It sounded so good to say. 

We managed to make it to our flight without almost any fans of Shawn coming up to him, mainly because they didn't want to disrupt our privacy, according to fan accounts on Twitter. 

I had had several posts on my blog by now and I was considering posting Youtube videos too. I already had several thousand comments and over 80,000 views. It was insane. 

My blog had a very neutral and pastel theme, and I discussed things from health and happiness to make-up and my current favourite items. 

We took our seats on the flight and because Shawn flew so much, the airline had given us a free upgrade to first class. The flight was overnight and I managed to fly without having a nightmare. I hadn't had any since that night Shawn was at my house, thankfully, but I knew there was a chance I could still have one at any time.

I was seated next to Shawn, in which we had a window between us. Aaliyah was sat on the other side of me but on a different aisle to Shawn and I, who were in the middle aisle. Shawn's parents were sat further away from us, however. 

Once the flight had left for for Florida, I made my seat into a bed, and so did Shawn.

"Hey, come over here and keep me company," Shawn joked, because we were sat so close together.

I got up from my seat and went to his side, sitting cross-legged. Shawn did the same and we chatted until I began to feel tired. 

"I'm not tired at all, I'm still jet lagged!" Aaliyah said, causing us to laugh.

Shawn got himself comfy on what was now a bed and laid down, and I laid down next to him, causing him to pull a blanket over the two of us. He put his arms around me and his head rested between my shoulder and neck, and soon we both feel asleep. 

By the time we both woke up, the plane was landing and Aaliyah still hadn't slept.

We got our hand luggage out of the compartments, including three handbags for Shawn's mum, Aaliyah and I and a small suitcase for Shawn's dad, Shawn and I...

I had brought a lot with me...

Maybe too much. 

But, a girl can never have too much stuff, right?

We headed off the plane into the heat, which felt great because the weather had been awful in the UK recently and into the airport. Shawn was holding my hand as we went into the airport and as we were walking down the corridor inside of the airport, an old couple approached us. 

"Young love is so cute, just like you too! We used to be just like you too! I hope you stay together until you are our age too!" the woman said.

"Thank you, I hope so too," Shawn said, and I smiled, blushing.

Appearance vs. Reality // Shawn Mendes fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now