20th June, 2014

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There was only two days until Shawn's prom and I hadn't had a prom hair or make-up trial, and hadn't tried on my dress or shoes yet. 

Many of Shawn's fans were slowly starting to work out that I was Shawn's date, because of the time I had arrived in Canada, if Shawn was going to prom. Many knew that he had a show two days after his prom in Ontario so didn't think he would attend his own prom.

I checked Twitter in the car to Shawn's house. Shawn had RT'd the tweet about me starting a blog/ Youtube channel. He caught me looking at him and laughed.

"I'd watch and read it any day because it would be about you!" he said, winking. I had been in Canada less than two hours and it already felt like home. "You could write and talk about your travels and adventures we go on, or just your daily like experiences!" he said. 

I had briefly met Shawn's mum in the UK, but never his sister or dad. His dad was so welcoming and was happy Shawn had found someone he really got along with, beside his school friends. Since he wasn't in school anymore, Shawn rarely saw his friends because they were busy too with their own lives. 

Aaliyah had introduced herself over Skype and I knew straight away that we would be friends so when we met at the airport, it was like I'd known her for years.

"I'm so glad you're here, Jenny. Shawn was contemplating on not going to prom without you and wouldn't shut up about you in general! He wanted his suit to go with your dress so he's been ever so fussy!" I laughed and Shawn shook his head.

"She makes it out way worse than the situation was."

The day of Shawn's prom arrived and I had my hair and make up done by Shawn's stylist at Shawn's house whilst he was at his friend Ian's house, to get ready. I was having my blonde hair down and curled with a waterfall braid from one side of my hair to the other. Then, for my make up, I had a sky blue theme, as my dress was that colour, and my heels were white. However, my dress was long with a trail you couldn't see the shoes. Shawn was going to wear a black suit with a sky blue tie. 

"Hey, I can't wait to see you later. We'll come by mine in the limo at 6 to pick you up. You're going to look beautiful. Xx" Shawn text me as I got ready. I was so excited. 

I was staying in the guest bedroom at Shawn's house and once I had put on my dress, shoes and jewellery, Aaliyah wanted to take photos with me to post on her social media.

"My gorgeous sister *heart eyes emoji* *picture insert*"

Then, there was a knock at Shawn's front door. Shawn and his friends had arrived. 

Shawn's mum opened the door and I smiled as Shawn looked taken aback.

"Wow. You look gorgeous," Shawn said and I blushed. 

"You look amazing," I said, in awe of how good Shawn looked in a suit. Shawn placed the corsage on my wrist and ran his hand down to mine and kissed it. 

We took photos together and ones with Shawn's family and all of his friends, before it was time to head to the venue for more pictures. I didn't know Shawn's friends but all were welcoming and easy to get along with. 

"You did well, Shawn!"

"Punching, I'd say" two of Shawn's friends said, causing me to laugh. 

"I'm proud of you, she's a keeper" Shawn's friend Laur said. 

Shawn had his arm around my waist from behind and pulled me in closer, his head next to my neck.

"You're hilarious, guys. But Jenny is the one I want and I'm so lucky," he said.

Appearance vs. Reality // Shawn Mendes fanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant