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Tyler's POV

"Harder, Tyler!" Connor commanded, my grip tightening on the wood in my hands. We've been at this for at least an hour and still haven't gotten anywhere, maybe it's because Connor usually does this sort of thing while I'm the one who lays back and watches him do it. But with our roles switched, my fiancé seems a bit frustrated with the lack of strength in my arms. "Tyler, this is getting annoying." He huffed.

"Fine then you do this!" I threw him the hammer and stomped into the kitchen to get myself a glass of water, "I don't know what made you believe I could build a shelf." I waltzed back into our living room where Connor was banging away at the nail I was trying to puncture into the slab of oak. "I mean, have you met me?" I finished as I plopped myself down on the couch beside my love and observed the way he put himself to work; valuing his craft.

"I was trying to get you into some new hobbies! You seem bored lately with it being summer and all." Conner glanced back at me with sympathy and affection seeping through his gaze. He was being too good to me, but in all honesty he was right. Because I work in a high school as a music teacher, I don't have anything to do this time of year. Connor works all year round and doesn't get home till the wee hours of the morning, might I add.

"Don't worry about me, I'm not bored! I cook and I clean and I talk to Korey..." I reached beside me to get the remote and turn on the flatscreen in front of me, my bare toes burying themselves in the furry carpet beneath them. I leaned back and positioned myself comfortably in the couch cushions before continuing, "And I watch TV."

"This just in, the mass serial killer,  The Reaper, has been suspected of taking the lives of three young men just in the course of 24 hours."  The channel that automatically  began showing was the news station, informing us of another installment of 'what this guy did this time.' He has been on my television for over 2 years now and still no one has caught him. The police are useless nowadays and apparently so are the people down below, cough cough, demons. But in all seriousness, the proximity of these crimes and my home is nearly nonexistent. The anxiety already forming in the back of my mind was accumulating to the front so I quickly switched the channel.

"Oh shit, it's already noon." Connor exclaimed as he knelt on the ground, peering down at his watch. "I gotta run." He stood up and I did the same, following him to the door as he grabbed his briefcase and coat.

"Have a nice day at work, hon." I met his lips, resting my hands on his chest, his arms pulling me closer and higher. Our mouths moved together in harmony, it was nothing extraordinary, there were no fireworks nor choir of angels, just a sweet kiss that didn't make me feel special, it just bestowed upon me a sense of stability. But as soon as we broke apart there was no feeling of loss, no desire to pull him back in, no yearning. I still felt stable whether our skin was in contact or not; that's why I'm going to marry him.

"Ok, don't wait up for me, Ty." I nodded before he exited our home and I was once again alone; I feeling I've become accustomed to.


"Thanks for coming over today, Kor. I've been bored out of my mind lately." I explained despite my previous declaration to Connor. My hands flailed in spews of expression as I led my friend inside and offered him a drink as we sat upon the couch. We indulged our selves in take-out food and plentiful alcoholic beverages before getting comfortable in each other's drunken presences.

"Where's your ConCon?" The scruffy man lounging before me inquired in a mocking tone that almost sounded revolting. If it wasn't for the vodka streaming through my veins I probably would have called him out on it, but above all I wouldn't giggle like I had just did.

"Ha, Beats me! He says he's at work but I wouldn't be surprised if he was at some whore house." I spat,  taking another swig from my glass.

"And that doesn't bother you?" My friend from college shot back, him too taking another sip but he wasn't as desperate as I was to feel something. Anything.

"I suppose so. I mean who wouldn't be bothered by that?" It was true, I was constantly being bothered by an itching sensation every time he left the apartment and while he was gone the need to scratch only grew stronger.

"Gonna do anything about it?" I've never even thought about investing further or stopping by the office to see if he was there, but that's a lot of work. That's too much effort and time being put into something that I may or may not want to find the answer to, so I shook my head no. "Do you even love him anymore?" I didn't need to ponder this question like I mulled over his previous ones, this answer was plain and simple.

"Of course." I loved him since I was child, and although it was a platonic kind of love back then, it's only accumulated to the level at which I dream to see him at the alter as I walked down the isle with my mom at at my side. She'll give my arm a squeeze before I'm met with the man I'll happily spend the rest of my life with. We'll seal the deal with a warm kiss that'll mark new beginnings in front of everyone I care about.

Well, almost everyone.

The Midnight Men (Troyler) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now