Beauty Within

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Prompt from rosieblue7531- So Niall is an average sixteen-year old. He has a big dream of becoming a world-wide famous singer.guitar player. His idol? Zayn Malik, incredibly succsessful solo artist. Zayn is Niall's life, and he would do anything to go to a concert. At school, NIall gets bullied for two reasons.One, liking Zayn's music(becasue it's directed at girls(, and two, for being gay. He hides all the physical injuries from his parents, and always has a fake smile on his face. One day, his parents find out the about the bullying(I don't care how...) and try and comfort him. He gets all upset, and shielnds himself from the wrold, His parents, wanting him to be happy, decide to surprise him with tickets to Zayn's concert. He has just left on a tour, and the next show is in this hometown. His parents go all out, and end up getting VIP passes to meet Zayn backstage, Bla bla bla, fluffy fluff fluff.

Niall's Pov:

Have you ever had a dream? A dream you would do almost anything to achieve? I don't mean the normal become famous dream or the become president one, I mean a dream of being accepted in the world you live in. They say what you do in college or school determines what you do for the rest of your life, If that's the case then I'm royally fucked. At school I'm treated like an outsider, I have no friends, Infact you could say I'm the most hated person at my school, Why? Well the biggest reason is because I'm gay, Boys they target me for that reason, They think it's disgusting and wrong. Then I'm targeted by girls for liking Zayn Malik. Who's Zayn Malik? For those of you who don't know he's one of the most successful solo artist of his generation, If you don't know Zayn's name you must be living underneath a rock. Every girl thinks they have a chance with Zayn so when they hear that I love his music they start tearing me down saying things like, Zayn wold never go for you, Zayn has high standards and you could never reach them. Then there's the dreaded Zayn Malik isin't a faggot. How can people act like this? How can one human being call another a faggot? If your not judged for looking different or your weight your judged for your sexuality, What kind of world is that?

I winched as I woke up Saturday morning, My body was physically aching. I wanted nothing more then to crawl up into a ball and die my body hurt that much. I was covered in bruises and cuts, But I couldn't let it show, Not around my parents, They know nothing of my torment and I want it kept that way, I can't burden them with my problems, I'm a big boy now don't need mummy and daddy holding my hand. I sat up taking deep breaths desperately trying to subside my pain, Once the pain became bearable I  slowly made my way downstairs.

"Niall is that you?" My mother yelled from the kitchen.

"Yeah" I replied.

"Can you come in here please your father and I would like a word with you" She informed me, I sighed, What could she possibly want? 

"What's wrong mum?" I questioned as I walked into the kitchen to find my parents standing there with worried looks on there faces, I began going over everything in my head, We haven't been given our school reports, Parents evening was months ago, I haven't skipped any classes, I'm not disrespecting teachers honestly I'm a little busy getting the crap beaten out of me.

"Niall sit down" My mum exclaimed I nodded my head before taking a seat. 

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Niall your mother and I we love you very much, And we want you to know you can come to us with anything, Anything at all" My dad said, I nodded my head.

"Ok?" I questioned, My mum sighed.

"Niall why didn't you tell us you was being bullied!" She exclaimed, My eyes widened, How the hell? "The neighbours daughter she saw you being attacked last week, Niall why didn't you tell us we could have done something" She added, Great so not only am I going to look like a total coward getting my parents involved but to top it all off a girl saw me getting my ass kicked! "Niall why didn't you tell us?!" She exclaimed.

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