Chapter 3

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The loud beep of my alarm caused me to shudder awake abruptly. I quickly grabbed my phone and turned it off before laying back in bed. Today was the first day of classes. I sighed angrily as I rolled out of bed and got ready. I had the same classes as I did last year, but they were more advanced. My first class was Potions. We were told we would be making more difficult potions and brews that would require you to have control over your powers.

Next was a Nature class, which was my easiest class last year. I walked in the room and stopped when I saw her standing in front of Professor Trivona's desk. Amirah smiled at her before turning to face me.

"Alena! I'm so glad we have a class together!" I nodded politely and took my seat in the back with Stella. She followed us like a lost puppy. Professor T informed us we would take frequent field trips to Mirkwood Forest. We would be put into groups and given a task to complete. If you complete the task, you get a good grade. That shouldn't be too hard. After my Nature class is a study hall, then lunch. Thankfully, Amirah didn't try to sit with me, Cullen, Stella, and Derek at lunch.

After lunch was the class I had been waiting for all day. Defense. On the first day of school, Mr. Galtero always has us complete a test in order to assess our power. Even though I technically have the strongest power, this doesn't mean I am the strongest. Someone without the Dragonfire who has complete control over their power is stronger than someone with the Dragonfire who has little control over it. This year he will be teaching us how to do this. Depending on your power, there were two tests. There was a target on the wall you had to hit, but if you had a power like telekinesis, there was an object you would first have to lift and then throw it at the target. He was looking to see how far our magic was developed, such as if you could hit the middle of the target, or even hit the target at all. Finally it was Amirah's turn and I watched anxiously. She transformed and created a ball of fire in her hands before throwing it at the target. You have to be kidding me. Fire? I seethed quietly as she walked up to me.

"Alena, it's you turn." She smiled and retreated back to a group of girls. I wonder if she knows I have the dragonflame... I transformed and, like Amirah, formed a fireball in my hands. You could tell, however, that my fire was different than hers. Mine was glowing red rather than orange, and had electricity running through it. I effortlessly threw it at the center of the target. Amirah was wearing an annoyed look on her face, which made me smile even more. After that, Mr. Galtero asked each of us what our specialty was. When I told him my specialty was the Dragonfire, Amirah rolled her eyes in disbelief.

Finally class ended and Stella and I retreated to the cafeteria for some ice cream.

"Did you see the way she rolled her eyes at you? She totally doesn't believe you have the Dragonfire! You need to show her who's boss around here." Stella continued to talk about Amirah while I thought about me and my magic. I'm not surprised Amirah doesn't believe I have the Dragonfire. I have barely any control over it! The only time I can really harness it is when I am angry. I sighed and looked down at the melted ice cream in my bowl.

"Stel I'm not feeling so well, I'm going back to my room. I'll see you tomorrow." I put my dish away before retreating to my room. I laid on my bed and closed my eyes before I heard a knock on my door.

"Please come see me in my office," Kokel spoke through the door. I jumped off the bed and left to go see him. "I hired a new teacher and he should be coming tomorrow. He will be teaching a special class for those who need help getting control over their power, I figured you would be interested in this." I looked at him anxiously.

Inner Darkness (Book 2 of Dragonfire series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant