Chapter 9 ❊ part 1 ❊

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Chapter 9 ❊ part 1 ❊

Tahira ❊

Seeing Toronto for the first time was a amazing experience. Drake knew his way around Toronto considering he grew up there and it seemed like he practically knew everyone or they knew him. It was my first time going out of the United States and it was definitely worth it. The whole time we were there he held this proud smile on his face the whole time and I saw a different side of him that I loved. We had so much fun in Toronto.


"Welcome to Toronto." Drake told me as we made our way off of the plane.

Once I walked out the plane door I took in a deep breath of air and looked around at my surroundings.

Even the airport is fancy. I can't wait until I see the rest of what Toronto has to offer.

Aubrey grabbed my hand as he led me to another big black SUV.

He opened the door for me letting me sit and then grabbed my bag. He closed the door , went to load our bags in the back , and then he got into the front seat.

"Where are we going?" I asked him once he pulled off.

"We're going to my estate." he replied back.

I nodded my head just going along with it.


I nearly passed out once we pulled up to this huge mansion like house.

"This is yours?" I questioned staring at the house.

"Mostly but some of the people I talk to or hang with live here too." He explained to me.

He pulled up to the front of the building and got out.

I got out too and went to the back to get my bag but Aubrey already had it.

Aubrey led me inside making me more amazed at how beautiful the house is.

"This house is beautiful." I told him gazing around at everything.

He chuckled and sat my bags down on the floor.

"Thanks." He replied back.

Before I could say anything else his cousin Ryan came over to him and gave him dap.

"Finally found the time to come to Toronto huh?" He said giving Aubrey a look.

"I know man I haven't been visiting like I'm suppose to." Aubrey apologized looking over at me making Ryan turn towards me too.

"I'm surprised you even showed your face after what happened at my party a month ago." Ryan laughed coming over to me and giving me a hug.

"Ugh don't remind me." I held my head down in embarrassment.

He nodded his head. "Your mom has been asking about you a lot lately." Ryan reminded Aubrey.

"Yeah I know I'll visit her tomorrow but today I wanna show my lady around Toronto a little bit and head to the club a little later on tonight." Aubrey told him pulling me closer by the waist.

I smiled at him before kissing his cheek.

"Alright I'll give you two y'all alone time and I'll meet you at one of the clubs tonight with the rest of the crew. Just hit me up." Ryan said before walking away.

Aubrey picked our bags up and walked away motioning for me to follow him.

"Let me show you our room." He stated walking up the all white glass staircase.

I nodded my head and followed behind him.

We walked for a while through out the big house before we made it to the most beautiful room I've ever seen in my life. Aubrey is definitely living well. There's times like this where I wonder why he was ever single in the first place. He's so amazing and I haven't really found anything wrong with him. There was that one time at the party but I don't think that was anything too serious.

"So what do you want to see first?" Aubrey asked me as he sat the bags on the end of the beds.

"I want to see as much as you can possibly show me." I replied back with a smile.

"Well you better put on some gym shoes because your feet might hurt after this." He said gesturing towards my feet.

I nodded my head and followed his instructions.

I changed into a pair of Jordan's.

"Let's go." He said holding his hand out for me to take.

I hopped up from my spot on the bed and walked over to grab his hand.

Once our hands were clutched together tight we walked hand in hand out of the room.

Off to explore Toronto. 👟👞

Part 2 coming later on this week...

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