Chapter Two

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Me and Alicia came home with no idea on what to wear. I finally decided on wearing a fitted red dress with long sleeves and a plunging neckline. Alicia wore a little black dress. We both put on our 3 inch heels we would be wearing for the show and wore our natural curls. Before we were about to leave I got a call, "Hello?"

"Hi yes, your limo is out front."

"You must have the wrong number, I didn't order a limo."

"This is Mr. Gray's chauffeur ready to take you to the Spearmint Rhino."

"Oh in that case, we'll be down in a second." I hung up the phone and Alicia and I headed down our 3 flights of stairs.

"Hello, ladies." The chauffeur said holding the door open for us we slid in to be sitting across from Mr. Gray.

"Alicia and Violet, always a pleased to see you both." He said as we exchanged looks. "Tonight you are meeting some top dogs and investors and a few celebrities. Also you'll be dancing for them so that's awesome as well, you guys will be making some serious money tonight."

I felt my pulse rush, what if I messed up? These we're the exact connections I needed to get my business career started. The ride was filled with small talk until we arrived.

I didn't get a good look at how beautiful the nightclub was there were 2 floors and the stage was lit with colorful lights I couldn't wait to perform. I saw a lot of rich looking men all in one area and tourist, common people, in another.

"Okay ladies about to introduce you to a table of top dogs. Be prepared." He said as we made our way over to a table filled with men in suits. When they saw Mr. Gray they all greeted him very happy to see him. One of the guys at the table never took his eye off me.

"These are my two new exotic dancers Alicia and Violet." I never realized how uncomfortable I was being called an exotic dancer.

"Last names?" The man who never stopped looking at me asked.

"Robins." Alicia said.

"Jones." I said.

"This is Leonardo, James, Adrian, Austin, and Harry." Mr. Gray said introducing us. The one who wouldn't stop looking at me was named Harry.

"So are you dancing tonight?"

"Yeah we are in about 2 hours, you can call us the midnight special." Alicia joked. The table laughed and I joined in just so I wouldn't be the only one not laughing even though the joke was corny to me. We sat down and I decided to slide in first to sit next to Harry so that I could talk to him later. Clearly he was interested in me so maybe I could get some business tips. We all engaged in a conversation about sports and then broke off into smaller conversations. Everyone left the table to watch some girls dance while me and Harry we're in a deep conversation about the stock market.

"May I ask, how do you know all of this?"

"Don't get fooled by me working here, I'm trying to raise money so I can go to college and get my Bachelor's in business."

"A girl like you, beautiful and smart. Knows what she has to do to work her way up in the ranks."

"Yeah, well thanks." I blushed as he put a strand of hair behind my ear and deeply stared me in the eyes.

"You know there's ways I could help you with that." He said never breaking eye contact putting a finger on my bottom lip.

"Oh yeah? How?" I asked kissing his finger.

"A mutually beneficial rela-" He was cut off by Alicia coming over to me telling me we had to get ready. I leaned in a little closer and said, "We'll talk after my performance."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2015 ⏰

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