Chapter One

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No money, no family, 18 in the middle of Las Vegas. I've finally come to terms with the fact that my dreams will not come true and I will be a stripper all my life. I don't want to be a stripper. I want to be the wolf of wall street but because of my fucking sexual organ I will not be took seriously in a world like that. I've lived in New York all my life in a trailer park with my father. I was born addicted to heroine and I don't remember much about that but my father told me my mother was a whore and a drug addict and its better that we live in a trailer park without her than in a mansion with her. I love my father he has had on again off again alcohol problems, which caused me to have alcohol problems at only 14, but he's trying so hard. I left because I knew I needed to get to college and we couldn't afford it so I came to Las Vegas wanting a performing job as a celebrity impersonator, I ended up being a stripper. Me and my best friend Alicia both have huge career goals and we are both broke. She came here with me and we didn't expect that we would be strippers for a cheap nightclub.

"Alicia wake up, we have to be there in an hour." I said shaking my curly headed friend. She groaned and rolled out of bed and started walking to the bathroom. We live in a one room apartment with no AC and it's summer. We got ready and headed out walking down the block to get to our club.

"Ladies always great to see you." The manager said kissing the both of us on both cheeks. He has a heavy Italian accent which always makes me laugh.

"Always a pleasure Adriano. Me and Alicia are just going to put on our costumes and we'll be ready." We headed to the back and greeted the other girls.

"And he buys me whatever I want, I love it. I do what I love to do for money." One of the girls who name I can never remember boasted. I looked over not wanting to jump in the conversation but my curiosity took over, "What are you talking about?"

"Oh hello Violet, I didn't see you there." she said crossing her arms. I rolled my eyes, she seems to think she's better than everybody here but in reality we are all working at the same cheap nightclub as strippers.

"Well, I was just telling the girls about my new sugar daddy." My eyes widened and I looked at Alicia who was just as shocked as I was. I have read about sugar daddies in a book that was assigned to us in high school but it never crossed my mind that anybody I knew would ever get a sugar daddy, well I mean I guess I am working at a nightclub with a bunch of strippers.

"Can you explain to me how that relationship works?" I questioned.

"Well, I'm with a rich older man and he gives me money in exchange for sex and having me on his arm at all his business events."

"What kind of business events?"

"If I didn't know any better I'd think your trying to get a sugar daddy."

"No, I'm just wondering." I cackled.

"Alicia and Violet your on in 5." The stage manager said in the intercom. I brushed off the conversation and we made our way to our appropriate wings and entered the stage doing our show girl routine. After our routine we came back stage together and started counting our money.

"Fuck only $200 together." Alicia sighed. We needed a better job. We can barely pay the rent. We would usually stay and watch the other girls but today was a bad day so we didn't want to. We started walking towards the door until we heard somebody calling for us "Excuse me ladies!" We turned and saw an old white man in a suit.

"Yes?" Alicia asked.

"Hello the names John Gray, I'm founder and CEO of the Spearmint Rhino."

"OH MY GOODNESS! HI IT'S A PLEASURE!" Alicia exclaimed, I was confused we've only been in Vegas about a week and a half and I never really traveled around due to lack of money.

"Ladies, I was just going around to some of the lower end strip clubs and I think I have found some talent here. That show girls routine was amazing, are you guys dancers?" I was not sure who this joker was but judging by Alicia's reaction he was good news.

"Yes we are." I stated confidently.

"That's lovely, how old are you guys?"


Perfect age, can I offer you both a job?"

"Yes oh my gosh!" Alicia blurted out.

"Great be there by 5pm tomorrow, you won't be performing but you need to learn the ropes and have our choreographer make you guys a routine. See you tomorrow." He explained stepping into a limo his chauffeur held the door open for him and closed it, got into the drivers seat and drove off.

"Okay so wait what's the Spearmint Rhino?" I asked.

"Only one of the biggest strip clubs in Las Vegas, they blow so much money there."

"Wait, I don't have the heart to tell Adriano that we quit."

"Shit, I'll do it!"


Me and Alicia arrived at the Spearmint Rhino 10 minutes early. We came inside it was empty which was expected since it was only 5pm.

"Hi Alicia and Violet here." Alicia said to the lady drinking at the bar.

"You're late be early next time you noobies." She had a thick Russian accent, dark hair pulled into a tight ponytail, and tan skin. I was confused as to why she said we were late when we were actually 10 minutes early but I didn't question her she told us to follow her and she let us to the back room which was the champagne room. We went through the champagne room and through another door that led us to a dance studio which was not that big but it was about the size of the stage.
"This is where you will be learning your routine. There's a couple of things that Mr. Gray did not discuss with you While You Were talking. You guys aren't used to getting fully naked at your nightclub but at the Spearmint Rhino you will have to. Is that okay?"

"Yes." Alicia said answering for me. I really have never been naked and I'm not sure if I'm comfortable but if the business is as good as they say and then I have no problem. I'm just trying to make enough money so that I can go to college in the fall. I RSVP for UCLA'S business program after I was accepted knowing I wouldn't have the money.

"Lovely. Now since you're 18 and fresh out of high school a lot of people will pay money to see you guys. Another thing you did not have at your last night club is stripper names and you are going to need those. What Mr. Gray had expressed to me is that he wants you guys to have a sexy schoolgirls routine and he wants one of your stripper names to be based off of infamous, what people call nymphets. So Alicia you're name is Clove and Violet you are the infamous nymphet your name is Lolita."

I smiled to myself I read Lolita when I was 13 and it kind of fucked me up because I started to wear lipstick and tried to seduce my teachers which caused me to get kicked out, have a drinking problem, and be sent to an all girls correction school.

"By the way my name is Anastasia." She said showing her first smile of the evening.

She choreographed the routine and since we we're dancers we picked up the choreography fast and the dance was perfect in two hours.

"Nice work ladies Mr. Gray told me that if you guys were this good you could perform tonight so I guess you're performing tonight."

Me and Alicia squealed and jumped up and down.

"By the way, what's the name of this song?" I asked.

" Go Go Dancer by Lana Del Rey, now I have to make sure the costumes fit you." She pulled our costumes out of a plastic bag they fit like a glove. It was a white flannel that wouldn't button past your breast and a short plaid schoolgirl skirt that showed bottom of my ass, white thigh high socks and 3 inch heels. Underneath was a matching black lace bra and panty set.

"You ladies look great, typical makeup with red lips okay?" We nodded and she told us we could go back home but we had to be back here at 10 because we were going on at 12 but Mr. Gray himself wanted to introduce us to very important people. Tonight was going to be interesting.

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