74 (Last Chapter)

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Luke's POV

"This relationship isn't really working out Luke, I love you and everything but is being like 8,000 miles away from each other is killing us." Ashton spoke.

"Please Ash, we can work this out." I didn't want this relationship to end.

Him and I were good together. We completed each other. He helped me if I wasn't feeling so up and the other way around. Ashton was always there, he was a caring boyfriend. When we actually got to see each other he was clingy which I liked because we knew we only had a certain amount of time before we were separated once again.

"I'm sorry Luke, please we can still be friends and text and maybe one day we can get back together when we don't have thousands and thousands of miles separating us. I promise okay?" He said calmly.

"Fine." Was all I managed to get out.

I wasn't happy about him and I not being together anymore but soon I realized it was for the sake of us.

Keeping a long distance relationship would probably kill us in the long run and we wouldn't be the same anymore. Giving us a break was sure to help us until we could be in a committed relationship with each other.

After talking a little more he hung up and Calum was just looking over at me in shock.

"I'm sorry Lukey." He hugged me and I just brushed it off.

"It's for the best Cal." I half smiled.

He rubbed my back and we went back to playing Mario Kart.

While playing the blond/brunette boy never left my mind. I missed him a lot. Well of course I did but...

After finishing up out rounds which I obviously won because I am the best Mario Kart player ever we started to play FIFA.

"This is where I kick your ass Hemmings." Calum smirked starting up the game.

"Okay Hood, we will see."

Ashton's POV

Maybe breaking up with Luke wasn't such a good idea. What if he falls in love with someone else?

That's what scared me. He wasn't mine anymore so he was basically free to date and kiss and do anything with anyone else and it wouldn't be cheating.

Damnit Ashton why did you screw up yet again?

Why can't I just do things right for once?

I made the wrong decision to end it with him.

"fuck." I threw my phone at the ground not caring if I shattered it at the moment.

"Ash what's wrong?" My mom walked in.

"I just ended it with Luke again and I regret it." I put my head in my hands and felt like I wanted to cry.

"Why did you end it?"

"Because mom we are thousands and thousands of miles away, we are going to become distant and I did it for the best."

"Honey you guys will get back together I promise. You two are practically inseparable." She sat down next to me and rubbed my back.

"I know but mom, our relationship will go down hill if we keep this shit going." My
mom gave me a stern look for cursing.

A sharp pain got my and it was all over my body.

"Mom medicine." I groaned in pain and felt like I wanted to cry because of how back this pain was.

After popping a couple pills I laid down and pain was still shooting across my body.

Why did I even go out that night? None of this would have happened if I would have just stayed home.

My mom was worried and laid by me trying to get my mind off the pain.

"Baby I'm sorry this happened." She rubbed my arm and I flinched due to the pain.

"It's okay." I barley got out before crying, "no it's not I hurt so bad."

I wasn't lying about that, I was in a lot of fucking pain.

I wish Luke was here, he would defiantly take my mind off the pain.

"I'm going to go start up some dinner, you can stay here and rest." She said before leaving my room.

I decided to call Luke even though I know the time zone shit was huge.

"Ashy I was almost asleep."

"Right sorry." I hung up and buried my head into my pillow.

Moments later my phone went off again and it was Luke. I didn't answer but it kept ringing.

Luke: I'm sorry if that was rude please talk to me

I couldn't though I don't know why. There was a voice inside my head saying 'he is annoyed of you don't do it' but another one saying 'answer your damn phone irwin.'

"Shut up." I grabbed my head and more tears came out.

My phone kept buzzing and I picked it up.

"Ash are you okay?"

"No I'm not." I cried, "I need you."

"Baby I'm sorry I can't be there for you." He cooed trying to calm me down.

"I'm in so much pain and I just want you here by my side and-"

"Ashy, breathe please babe."

Him calling me babe and baby we're making my tummy go crazy.

"Is that Ash?" I hear a voice in the background.

"No I'm just calling a random person babe." I heard Luke say back, "sorry about that."

That actually make me chuckle a bit.

"Hey we will see each other soon I promise." He said attempting to make me feel better.

"how long is soon?" I asked.

"Soon is how ever long we make it, but for me I'm making it like maybe a few months, something like that."

"I just want to see you now."

"I know baby, I want to see you now too but that can't happen, we are to far away."

I sighed, "don't call me baby please, I-I'm sorry I want you too but we aren't t-t-together."

"Okay I'm sorry." he sounded sad, "I love you Ash, never forget that."

"I love you too Lukey, and I won't."

the line went dead.

do you remember how Luke said soon?

well that soon...

was 5 years later...


Epilogue is next (-:

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