Gyrus: Final Words

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And it's over! I'm surprised and relieved and...I don't even know what else to feel. It's like I just have birth and I'm looking at my baby and I'm so proud of it that I want to shove it in everyone's face and go "look! I made that! Isn't she the prettiest thing you've ever seen? Yes she is!"

I hope you forgive my over-exuberant reaction. This is my first full-length novel and I really needed Dex to push (Hahaha, I said 'push'. Get it? Push? Baby?) me towards finishing it. I was mentally exhausted after I wrote my last chapter (24: Love Lost) and I took a break to relax and focus on other stuff like remembering how to breathe. I gave Dex the last chapter to do with as he pleased, and I'm grateful for that decision because his 'eight years later' short story (Chapter 25: Double Zero) made the perfect ending as far as I'm concerned. Even if I had written it, I wouldn't have done anything mushy. That would've clashed with the tone of the entire book.

To every reader who leaves/has left comments or reviews, thanks. Like I said, this is the first time I've written anything this long. I have a preference for short stories and flash fiction, but like Dex keeps saying, we have to push ourselves and work outside our comfort zone if we want to advance in anything. I'm happy for his pushy nature though, because I was so close to quitting this but now *tearing up* *lips quivering*

Don't look at me. I have something in my eye.

Don't forget to vote for every chapter. Every vote counts to improve our ranks and makes our story easier to find. It also lets others know that the story is good/interesting and increases our readership. I know it seems like a lot of hassle to go back and do this (if you haven't already) but we really need your support.

Thank you so much.

- Ed

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