JeArmi- What??

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Armin: Yay another dare! This is from snk_is_love, it's in two comments of sorts;
This is the best thing ever ok. I dare Armin to show Eren a JeArmin fanfiction.
Armin: Okay this doesn't sound too bad but then again this is Eren we're talking about.
------ Timeskip to search the interwalls ------ (get it they live in walls? Okay, I'll stop now)
Armin: Hey Eren, can you come here really quick?
Eren: Horseface isn't with you is he?
Armin: No, Jeans taking a nap back in the dorms.
Eren: Still creepy you like him but whatever, Whaddaya need?
Armin: Could you read this for me?
Eren: ............... O____o What, is this?
(Hange pops out from no where)
Hange: You have so much to learn, young titan.


Mikasa: My Eren, senses are tingling.

Eren: God Hanji!!!!
Hanji: my work here is done!
Armin: So do you still want to read it?
Eren: O____o Really, no.
Armin: Oh, okay........ Whelp, sorry I will try to get Eren to read it at some point, might get captain levi to help me with that.

I AM SO SORRRY! I am seriously sorry for this long break. My midterms were right before break, and these were my first ever so I was worried. They are actually not that bad. I also had three track practices I was required to attend in the middle of the day so that took up my normal writing time. I am soooo sorry. I cannot even begin to express my apologizes for being a lazy butt. Basically, I was lazy, Break was too short and I should be able to update again soon.

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