Time travel? Sure!

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Armin: So, I have a comment from TransformerForever1. It says;

TransformerForever1: Hey Armin! Can I have a hug? Also, wanna travel through time with me? ((your choice where))^^

Armin: Okay for the hug. I like hugs but apparently The survey corps aren't allowed to hug infront of other people. So I really can hug people often. I mostly attack some of the boys in our dorm. Jean and Eren mostly, sometimes I can suprise Connie, but not often.

TransformerForever1: So, I can have the hug?

Armin: Yep!

(TransformerForever1 runs to Armin and attacks him in a glomp)

Armin: This is a glomp, hange told me about these. (Shudders)

TransformerForever1: No, This is just an enthusiactic hug. Wanna travel time now?

Armin: One question.

TransformerForever1: Yes?

Armin: Geronimo?

TransformerForever1: Whovian?

Armin: Allons-y! Off to Before the titans and OCEaN!!!!


TransformerForever1: So............. How do you like it?


TransformerForever1: Well, I see your Happy.

Armin: Ocean (Points to ocean), Ocean (Looks and TransformerForever1) Ocean!

TransformerForever1: Armin, You have to go back now, I have to get back summer's almost over for us! Can I have one more hug?

Armin: Okay. (Sad he's leaving the ocean)

(The two hug and then return to Armin's room in the library in the survey corps.)

TransformerForever1: Bye Armin!!

Armin: Thank you for the ocean!! (TransformerForever1 then leaves in a puff of ocean mist) I can die by a titan's hand happy now!

Survey Corps: NO!

Erwin: Armin you are no longer allowed onto the feilds of missions, you are purely stratigist. Untill you calm down from this funk, seriously die calmly from a titan!? That is crazy!!!

Armin: Fine, For now. Ask or Dare more please! I got to see the ocean! Yay!!!!


So, I actually had finished this chapter before the potatoe and Galdos so yeah. I hope you liked TransformerForever1. I didn't know if you like doctor Who or not So I wanted to be safe with it.

So I am working on another story (Self-sponsered) I'm working on is The Life and Lies of An Ex-Spy. This idea had really started at my library where I am two nights a week.

Off topic now, So yeah. Please consiter checking out that Story and also TransformerForever1. Her stories are superb and awesome!



Ask or Dare Armin ArlertWhere stories live. Discover now