Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

A Challenge

Leila sat huddled in her car, cell phone pressed to her ear. "No, I don't see him yet. Should I wait, or should I go in?"

Eli didn't answer right away. "Wait," he said. "You may seem too eager. Letting Luke arrive first will let him feel like he's leading the date."


"Like when two people dance. The man likes to lead, be in control, in charge."

Not very keen on that idea, Leila said, "Why would I want to make Luke think he is in charge of me?"

"Not in charge of you," Eli said, "in charge of the situation. It makes most guys uncomfortable to feel commandeered by a woman. Give him this one to help him feel more at ease."

Leila supposed that made sense. She doubted Luke would need to be put at ease, though. When he met with her and Ana earlier in the week he had shown the same confidence and brashness she had seen the night they met. Leila didn't think anything could unbalance Luke. Still, she thought Eli's advice was sound.

"Okay, I'll wait." For a moment there was quiet over the line. It was all Leila had meant to ask Eli when she first dialed. She had called him several times during the week, questions about how she should deal with Luke, but like her reason for calling that night, most her insignificant questions were only the catalyst to get her to call. The more she heard his voice, the more she seemed to find reasons to call him, to want to hear him. He never complained, but Leila wondered.

"You must be sick of me calling you. I'm sorry, Eli, I'm just nervous about going out with Luke. I don't mean to pester you," she said, testing. "I don't mind, Leila. Call as often as you want." Leila smiled at his response. It sounded sincere.

"Thanks, Eli."

"Did you check the menu this time?" Eli asked.

"Yes, of course."


Leila laughed. "I brought a clutch instead of my regular purse. It's small enough to set on the table, almost too small. I felt a little like Mary Poppins trying to find a place for my lip gloss, but it all worked out."

"Now I'm interested in seeing this purse," Eli said with a chuckle. "I might have to get you a black felt hat with daisies in the brim to complete the look. Do you have an umbrella too?"

Leila couldn't stop giggling to give him the sassy retort she had on the tip of her tongue.

"What about a black fitted pea coat? I'm sure

Ana could track one down if you don't. I'm positive she has some turn of the century ladies boots, if not."

"Stop it," Leila begged. "I'm burning this purse as soon as I get home!"

"No, you can't!"

"I'm not letting you dress me up like Mary Poppins! Consider the purse dead."

"I'll interrupt your date if I have to. I'm vowing right now to save that purse purely to forever save the mental image of you trying to shove a floor lamp in your purse," Eli said. Despite his laughter, Leila totally believed him.

"Don't you dare! And I never said I tried to put a lamp in my purse!"

"I'm pretty sure Mary Poppins did."

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