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Region of Picasso objet trouve,
say, bicycle handlebars, two shiny bells
mounted on a backward, rusty arrow,
from rustic, weathercock domain,

being OMO eyes on the bull,
charging backward - to a fast trot,
knocking over Pasiphae's assemblage,
heels and rump, on the way up
from the Ring, say,
gullet of arena tunnel -
sun-glare, shadow, dawning, darkness.

Time's arrow wrenched and welded in reverse:
unleaving, unloving, unmeeting, unknowing,
like a zip fastener opening,
time's hungry shackles all undoing -

('Now for something completely different.') -

waking five years on and
(oh so younger but for silver hairs,
aches and pains and thirst):

'Who hit me?'

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