Chapter 1: I Need A Hero

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I looked out the window watching the rain drip down it. Kids were playing outside laughing and having fun. I remember being little and doing that. That's when my dad was here. He would take me outside and to the ice cream shop everyday. I was never happier in my life. One day, he decided to join the military.


I watched my parents talking at the table. Mom was holding Dad's hands with tears in her eyes. I slowly walked over clutching my teddy bear.

"Mommy, why are you crying?" I asked my mom.

"It's nothing. Just go to bed," she sobbed.

My dad picked me up and carried me to bed.

"Who's ready for the tickle monster," he said.

I laughed and hid under my covers.

The next morning I woke up and he was gone. My mom was sitting on the bed looking off into the distance. That's when I saw him. My mom was sleeping with another man.

*End Flashback*

I didn't understand it all at the time, but now I do. While my father was away my mother couldn't take the loneliness, so she slept with men. Then, that's when Joe came along. When he was around my mother he acted like he loved her and then stopped when she left. I remember him taking the necklace my dad brought me. Inside was a picture of us. Joe took it and threw it out the window far away. That day, I never talked to him again.

Now I have my brother Logan. When Dad came home, Mom hid Joe in my room. Then Joe left for a while. Soon Mom and Dad had a baby blah blah blah. A couple days later, I told Dad I saw Mom sleeping with someone else. I was a little kid and I didn't know any better. I can't help thinking its my fault Logan and I have Joe. If I never said that, maybe Dad would've stayed.

Logan walked into my room. He was already dressed and ready for school. I took his hand and hugged him. I knew how hard school was for him. Everyday we both got bullied and teased. I opened the window and let him climb out first. I followed behind him. We walked for about 5 minutes until we reached the bus stop. No one seemed to notice us, like always. Logan and I sat on an empty bench. Minutes later Chelsey arrived.

"BRI!" Chelsey yelled out.

I smiled at Chelsey and gave her a hug. Behind Chelsey was Allen, her younger brother.

"Chels," I tried to say with excitement.

It's hard to be happy with you have a crappy life and your bestfriend has the life of your dreams. A group started waking up to me, 2 girls, 3 guys. I looked nervously at Chelsey. She had fear in her eyes and I could tell I was going to get beat up.

"So, Ms. Scars and Tears, where's your mommy?" One of the girls asked taunting me.

"She's, she's dead," I said.

"Oh well what about your daddy, or was he a suicidal freak too?" The other girl asked.

I lost it and dove my fist straight for her face. I saw shock and her eyes, but that immediately left. Two of the boys were holding me back while the other boy punched my face. I tried not to scream as hard as I could. Logan came running up jumping on the boy's back. Instantly he was tossed to the ground.

"Logan!" I shouted.

Tears formed and my eyes and I tried prying myself free. Logan lay motionless on the floor as blood started oozing out of his head. Allen and Chelsey ran up to him trying to call for help. I was still trapped by the other two boys. The boy was kicking me in my ribs and punching my face. Every whip of air was enough to knock me out. Soon they let go of me and I dropped to the floor.

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