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I sat down and motioned for Claire to sit to.

"Hey guys took you long enough haha!"Asher joked

"Well we do like to keep them wondering." Claire replied sarcastically

"Oh we got a feisty one." spat Asher

They always bicker.
I look over at Mathew and he had dirty blonde hair and gorgeous eyes. He looked really pale.

Are to u ok? I asked

"No I got alcohol poisoning I drank way to much last night." He managed to say

He started getting really sweating and then he'd pass out.I was terrified!I remember thinking man I meet this guy I'm really draw to and he's gonna die just my luck.

We got him to drink water and he stopped sweating and passing out. We ended up talking forever! We went through so many subjects

. He invited me and Claire to a party at his house. We never did go...

I followed him on Instagram about a week later.He followed me back!

We started snapchatting then decided we'd text. We got to know each other so well. We had a lot in common I thought he was the perfect guy for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2015 ⏰

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