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My day was normal nothing out of the ordinary. But in just two hours I'll meet someone who will turn my life upside down. Every morals I had went out the window. Everything I thought I knew was one big lie. I'm not myself anymore.

Me and my friend Claire were just lounging around on my bed playing on our phones.

I looked over when I heard my door open my little brother Blake walked in.

"Do you wanted to go to the river with us?" He asked

By us he meant the whole family!Which is a lot considered im one of four and both my sisters have a kid!

I looked at Claire for an anwser since she was at my house I didn't want her to not have fun!

"Yeah that'd be fun!" She answered

Blake left the room. We threw on our swim suites and our clothes over them grabbed a towel and hurried to the car before my mom got tired of waiting and left us.

We were just pulling off our dirt road on top the pavement when I got a text from my friend asher

Hey- Asher

Hey whats up?-me

Nothing just wanted to see if you and Claire wanted to meet me and my friend Mathew at McDonald's and hangout today.-Asher

We're going to the river right now but when we're done I'll text you and well meet up!-me

I glanced up right as we were turning onto the dirt road that was leading to the river.Excitement filled me I hadn't been in so long!The ride got bumpier as the dirt road ended and we started driving along the river bank.

Claire and I jumped out of the car not wanting to wait another second!The water was up to my waist and it was so cold making me tempted to get out.

Before we knew it it was time to go. At the time I didn't know it but I was about to meet the love of my life. We head to McDonald's to meet up with them.We walk through the door and I look over and see Asher. His friend Mathew has his back turned and was on the phone so I couldn't see him. He looked cute from behind I was scared he was gonna turn around and be ugle. So me and Claire order our food. Then head over to sit with them. If I could go back to that day I would have turned around and walked out that door.

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