The Curse

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The Curse

I’m dying to have you back

Trapped in a wretched dungeon

Locked up and hurt

I’m knight less and empty

My hollow soul screams your name

My mind torments me with memories of you

My heart is torn to pieces

I’m tired and broken

Bearing a curse that I’ve never wanted

For so long I’ve wanted this to end

I’ve lost interest in life long ago

I only needed somebody to understand

Somebody who would listen to my selfish desires

But those desires have already faded

And are now no more than vague memories

I hate it, I hate you

I hate this world that took you away

And trapped me in this awful tower

Where only darkness lingers

Taunting my folly

I close my eyes to let it envelop me

But it won’t

It doesn’t know love

And detests the very presence of it

But I do

No matter how many times I deny it

No matter how many I shut it out

It comes back to torment me

This is my curse

The curse you’ve given me

And I will carry it

Until eternity takes me away..

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