Chapter Seven

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A/N: Hey loves, I added a bit more to the previous chapter, you should take a quick look before coming back here. :) Enjoy <3

Zayn Malik’s head drooped and hit the car window, a sharp sigh of annoyance leaving his lips. For miles and miles ahead of them, all there was were lines and lines of cars, vans and lorries, all with destinations that they had to get too. Zayn noticed how Harry’s hands were gripped around the steering wheel, his knuckles tuck out prominently while his green eyes watched ahead of him. Everything about his facial expression screamed out how bored he was. The boys had been in the car for what seemed like hours, and it looked like there was no escape from it either.

“It’s like it’ll never fucking end.” Zayn growled, closing his eyes for a moment, as he grew ever more tired of being stuck in Harry’s little black car. If his eyes were open, he would have noticed the sad green-eyed glance he had received from Harry. Harry gave a low moan and a mumble, before leaning forward and placing his chin on the steering wheel, watching the traffic in front of him with hopeful eyes, hoping it will maybe move sometime soon. He doubted it though.

“Sometimes,” Liam’s deep voice started as he leaned forward from the backseat, placing his hand on either side of the front seats, “The bestest things are worth the wait.”

“Now isn’t the time to be all deep and meaningful, Li.” Zayn mumbled, turning to his boyfriend nevertheless with a small smile. He inhaled his scent, feeling as if he could get drunk from the rich sweet scent that was Liam Payne.

“You steal what I say and tweet it all the time.” Liam quickly spoke back, and Zayn let out an unmanly giggle, not caring who heard it. The two boys were gazing into each other’s eyes, even though Harry seemed completely unphased by Liam’s presence, or Zayn’s, when he was speaking to his boyfriend for that matter.

“And plus, it’s the truth! Sometimes the journey may be rough, and maybe even a little confusing at times, but when you get to where you’re going, who knows who’ll be waiting at the other end.” Liam spoke up again, and Zayn smiled and looked away from him. Typical behaviour from his boyfriend, spreading his little smiles and love and little phrases around, constantly looking on the brighter side of things. Zayn had always been more cynical, but his boyfriend had always inspired him to dream out a little more. As Zayn’s chocolate marbled eyes looked towards the traffic that still seemed stuck, the rich scent of Liam started to drift away from his nostrils, and he quickly looked around to where his boyfriend had been, only to be met with an empty backseat.

Harry was now staring at him, his piercing eyes watching Zayn in confusion. Every look Harry sent him seemed to whip straight into him.

“You alright mate?” Harry’s deep voice asked, as he leant away from his steering wheel, his body relaxing as it did so. Zayn looked towards the empty backseat once more before turning to Harry and nodding a little. Harry eyed him a little warily.

“Sometimes,” Zayn heard himself speak, as he turned to his best friend, “I see things I don’t understand. They confuse me, little things in my everyday life that cause me great puzzlement.”

The two boys looked at each other deeply for a moment. Zayn watched as his best friend gave a nod, his green eyes looking elsewhere, his large hands starting to trail across parts of the car, anxiously trying to find some sort of distraction, before they settled on the steering wheel.

“I, er, I understand completely. I get confused a lot.” Harry mumbled, his eyes now fixed back on the road, even though they kept twitching, as if they were avoiding Zayn. Zayn stared at him wondrously, wanting to hear more of what he had to say. Maybe Harry could help him understand all of these little things that happened around the house and at work?

Losing Liam. - [A Ziam/Zarry Fanfiction.]Where stories live. Discover now