Chapter Four

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“Hey Niall! Give yourself a chance to breathe, mate!” Liam Payne’s cheerful voice filled up the Nandos restaurant, and Niall looked up from his plate of chicken with a wide smile.

“I can’t help it Li, it all tastes so good…and the more I eat, the more chicken gets put on my plate, and I never get full!” Niall laughed excitedly, like a kid in a sweetshop. It was true, everytime he thought he was making a dent in his plate of chicken and chips it just seemed to get fuller and fuller all over again. Liam sat down opposite him, chuckling loudly, but looking at Niall with those kind brown eyes.

“Well, that’s because this is a dream, Ni.” Liam told him, and Niall’s mouth dropped into an ‘o’ shape, before shrugging. He had unlimited Nandos in front of him, he didn’t really care for much else right now. The Irishman shoved a bunch of chicken into his mouth, and watched as Liam chuckled and rolled his eyes again. Niall looked up at his best friend and was about to stick his tongue out when he realised something important. 

“Oh, you don’t look all hot and sweaty for once.” Niall laughed, as he saw how Liam was dressed in baggy grey jogging bottoms and a burgundy T-shirt and some running trainers, but didn’t have a drop of sweat or a hint of fatigue on him.

“Well, I was going to go running,” Liam started, as Niall shoved a bunch of chips in his mouth.

“What stopped ya?” Niall muffled, and Liam rolled his eyes at his friend’s antics.

“Hayley never shows up to running anymore…it’s not the same without her.” Liam moped a little, and Niall let out a worried sigh. Liam looked up at Niall and placed his elbows on the table with a kind smile.

“You’re worried…” Liam spoke, taking one of Niall’s chips and chewing on it slowly. Niall nodded and scratched the back of his head.

“You know the party we had at Hayley’s place the other night?” Niall asked, before he watched his best friend shrug a little.

“I wasn’t inside the actual party, but I was there, why?” Liam asked, and Niall felt himself blush. He was extremely worried, because of one main reason, he could not remember one minute of the party. The last thing he remembered was taking shots with Hayley, and everything after that is a complete blur. He’d never even gotten that drunk before, that’s why he was so worried. What if he was an angry drunk and had a go at someone? What if he kissed someone? Oh God, oh God, oh God!

Suddenly, a hand was placed on top of his and Niall was brought from his swirling whirlpool of panic to be met with Liam smiling at him brightly, the bright sun from the windows behind him making him look almost supernatural.

“Are you worried about what you got up too?” Liam asked, and Niall nodded in honesty.

“I’m worried about what I did! I can’t remember anything apart from taking shots with Hayley, what if I got too drunk and came onto her? She’s going to think I like her…what if I like her? What if she likes me and I lead her on? Do I even want to lead her on? Liam, you’re supposed to help me!” Niall rambled on, before looking at Liam desperately. Liam chuckled a little and shrugged again.

“You aren’t supposed to shrug…” Niall moaned, going to stab some more chips with his fork but his fork hit the empty plate. He looked down at it and whimpered a little, before looking back at Liam, and he too was fading.

“Li, where you going?” Niall quickly asked, trying to grab out for Liam.

“Niall, if you really want to know what happened, there’s only one thing you can do.” Liam spoke, and Niall looked at him desperately.

“What? What do I have to do?” Niall asked quickly, and Liam chuckled again, still fading as the suns rays from behind him seemed to make him dissolve in front of Niall’s crystal blue eyes.

Losing Liam. - [A Ziam/Zarry Fanfiction.]Where stories live. Discover now