This Amazing Thing Called A Prologue

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Before this moment, I never realized how daunting a blank, Microsoft word page could be. Here I am, supposed to be spilling out my own life story, yet I somehow can’t figure out how to press the first damn key. However, I guess this start works for all intents and purposes, so here we go. The directions they gave me were to tell my story. So many rules, right? I’ve always loved that about this camp. They were always so clear on what they expected you to do (note my sarcasm). So for all you newcomers who have been shoved into this camp for whatever fuck-up thing you’ve done to yourself, and have been forced to read this, fair warning- they will find every way to royally piss you off on a daily basis. But even I can admit it’s not that bad after a while, just as long as you cooperate. Well, I guess I could give you a long list on their rules and give you a whole ton of tips to make life at Pathway Finder Ranch easier for you, but I would be completely avoiding the sole purpose of this last assignment. Therefore, without further ado, here is my story.  (And for the sucker who has been given this as their first PFRA, I’m truly sorry. I will try to make this as un-boring as possible, but I ain’t making any promises.)

My name’s Evarynn, but everyone knows me as Eva (as in “ay”-“vuh”). I was seventeen when I first entered Pathway Finder Ranch (but as you well know, it’s just like a glorified camp for screw-ups like you and me), and I was what everyone referred to as the “E.D.”, which was an abrupt way of saying I was here for an eating disorder. At the time, everything was all dramatic and too sensitive to even talk about, but thanks to my undying sense of sick humor, I can now say this story with sarcasm, like it’s all one big joke and you all are just waiting for the punch line. Heh.

I stayed for twelve long months as a patient, but now I’m just a supervisor here, making sure the fuck-ups don’t do anything too fucked up. (If you have a problem with my extensive cussing, I suggest you ask the director for another PFRA, because since I wasn’t given any rules, I’m not holding anything back. This is my story, right?) Well, I guess then I should also warn you homophobes that this story of mine won’t sit too well with you, either.

You still here? Yeah? Such a trooper you are, I’m beginning to like you already. So, this is usually the part where I give you a semi-brief, un-novel-like version of my full story of recovery, but I just can’t bring myself to condense it down. Because, quite frankly, it would not make any sort of sense whatsoever and well, this is my story and I would rather you understand it. So, if you have this for the next six months or longer, just be aware that this story is not at all innocent and I will not hold back a single thing, so get ready for an intense and wild ride that will either leave you saying “What a creep”, “TMI”, or “What the flying fuck”. Ready freddy?! Kidding, let’s go.


Author's Note:

Alright, so I'm completely nervous to actually be posting this, but here you go. (: Short (it's the prolouge of course) but tell me what you think. Continue? No? Hope you say yes, because I'm excited for it. Might post up the next chapter tonight (well...this morning since it's 1 am where i'm at lol). Don't report for any...sexual things that will come up lol. I've seen far worse on here, so i'm not too worried but still. This will have gay relationships in it, so if you're against it, then please just don't read it. (:

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