Seth's little sister

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  “So, where are you from?” Scarlet asked us. It was the first time she spoke to us for hours since we started towards Seth’s home.

   “Huh? Oh, we moved here from Fairfield.” Cecily replied.

   “Oh, never been there, of course I’ve never been anywhere outside the forest, I mean I haven’t even been to Sunnydale, and it’s right next door, of course that’s the fate of the guardian of the forest.” Scarlet said gloomily.

   “If you’re in charge of everything in the forest, how are you not able to control the evil vampires who are living in it?” I asked.

   “Well, you see the have an uncontrollable personality, or as I call them “immature”, they have no self-control, like all evil things, so they can’t even control themselves, I do hope we get to Seth before they find you, I can sense where they are right now, so we should be able to keep a good distance away.” Scarlet explained.

   “What do the evil vampires even look like?” Bethan wondered.

  “Most evil vampires stay in vampire form, good vampires also have vampire form, but prefer to stay in human form, and only use it in self-defense, so as not to hurt anyone, and to protect their identity.” Scarlet pointed out, “Just like the Valerians, I’ve known them for a very long time; I mean I’ve known them since Sunny defeated the vampire king over centuries ago, they’re five of the very few good vampires to ave survived this long.”

   “What does the vampire form look like?” Amy asked.

   “Well, first of all, the vampire form has fierce, fiery-red eyes, but instead of a round pupil, it’s a thin, black line.” Mrs. Valerian described, “It also includes the fangs, but if they are in full-vampire form ALL the teeth are fangs, usually evil vampire are only in half-vampire form, where only the canines are super-sharp, and only turn full-vampire when they attack.”

   “That’s it, nothing real special, but VERY dangerous, once an evil vampire is set upon killing you, they won’t stop until they do, I wish I could rip their throats out right now.” Scarlet commented.

   “How do you turn into a vampire anyway?” Cecily asked.

   “Well, first the vampire has to bite you, suck your blood until they can’t feel your heart beat anymore, stop, and you basically go into a coma for a while, and when you wake up, you’re a undead, soulless person who has no sense of hot and cold and wicked fangs.” Kelly explained.

   “Wow vampires are a lot more complex than I first though, I thought that if they just bit you, you would turn, I didn’t think they had to wait until your heart stopped, but anyway, how much longer do we have to go to get to Seth’s house.” I asked, turning to Scarlet.

   “Not much, he should be somewhere around here, let’s just hope we don’t run into his…” Scarlet replied before being interrupted by a strange little girl.

   “PEOPLE!” The little girl screamed, “I LOVE people!”

   “Sister...” Scarlet moaned.

   The very strange little girl looked about our age; she had big, black, beady eyes and long, white hair with a black crown in it. She wore a strange, white dress that seemed to be made of spider webs with flies all through it. I also noticed that there were spiders crawling on it here and there.

   “My name is Jordan, WHAT’S YOUR NAME?” She asked looking at Amy, Cecily, Bethan and I.

   “Hi Jordan, this is Amy, Cecily, Bethan, and Juliana.” Mrs. Valerian explained, pointing at each of us.

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