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Lily Dunbar could've thought of better ways to spend her last night before school. She wasn't really into the whole damaging of property thing like her brother Liam so writing her initials on a bookcase didn't really seem meaningful. Anything involving the pack was meaningful to Liam so it was meaningful to her. She wasn't totally freaked out once her brother told her about being a werewolf. Thats a lie Lily was almost shitting her pants once Liam told her of course she went through the whole denial stage and thought that Liam was just out getting into juvinial trouble with Mason, but yeah walking in on your brother being chained up and not looking so human....definitely knocks you into perspective. 

Ever since that full moon she's been there for her brother. No matter what he needed she vowed that she'd always be there for him. That is why she was sitting in her car on the 115 highway in a terrible storm trying ,to get to the crazy fuck'ed high school for everything evil ,Beacon Hills High, to write her damn initials on a freaking bookcase. She'd much rather be by Liam's side because even though she trusted her brother with Scott she wasn't so sure about Stiles. Stiles had never liked her brother but deep down she knew that he couldn't help but love Liam , so Lily would just have to be okay with him watching over her baby. Lily tapped her skinny fingers on her steering wheel as habits played on the radio. Lily smiled as the ran drops hit her window and the sweet voice of Tove Love filled her Jeep. 

Lily moved her body to the beat and turned on her windshield wipers as the water started to drown her vision.As Lily danced to the beat she couldn't help but feel like no one was watching. She started to sing and move in her chair. She was sure she looked like a dying chicken but she didn't care because she loved the song. Lily looked to the left seeing a boy chuckling. He was standing outside of his car looking at the road. She blushed and stopped moving completely sure that she looked a mess. The guy sent her a heart throbbing smile that Lily returned. She had never seen the guy before and he looked to be about her age. He had to be new in Beacon Hills, and if she was him she'd turn right back around. Lily couldn't help but stare at the boy he was captivating; beautiful even.

Lily's radio begin to static , bringing her back to reality ,and  she sighed hitting the radio a couple of times. Her Jeep wasn't old at all not like Stiles. It didn't run on duck tape and love so this was pretty weird for it to be acting like this. The sound of thunder making Lily jump as her eyes widened. Seeing the light move across the sky she sighed and tried to grab her phone. The way the lighting was hitting she was sure her mother or stepfather or brother would call her. As she looked at her iPhone the screen was going in and out.

Lily was definitely scared now and you would be two if you lived in Beacon Hills. Lily sighed throwing her phone into the passenger side of her car. She looked out her window seeing a small figure on top of a car holding a cellphone in the sky. It looked like it could be Kira but she was supposed to be at the school already. Lily wanted to yell out her name but she didn't think she'd hear her over the crackling thunder. Lily sighed leaning back in her seat trying to relax because she'd definitely be there for a while.

Everything silenced and the only thing that got louder was the static pouring out from her radio. Lily jumped up from her seat and saw that her radio had turned on by itself. Lily could hear her own heart pouring out from her chest as she squinted to see outside her front window. For some reasons her windshield wiper had stopped working. Her car door had been opened roughly and as she stared at the person she wanted nothing more than  to get away. He was dressed in all black and he was quite tall. At first Lily thought her eyes were deceiving her , because this doesn't seem like anything that could really happen. Her heart sped up as the mechanical guy started taking steps towards her. She could only go so far in a car. 

When the doors on the passenger side of her car open she was pulled into the cold rain. The metal sending shivers down her body. Lily was being drenched in the rain her hair sticking to her head and her thin shirt sticking to her body. There were three of them. Three of her kidnappers and they were a captivating sight. If Lily had to place them close to something they almost looked like doctors. Very creepy doctors but doctors none the less.

Remorse--Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now