Forgive me (Forget her)

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"Everywhere I turn, I hurt someone; But there's nothing I can say to change the things I've done. I'd do anything within my power. I'd give everything I've got, but the path I seek is hidden from me now." ~ No Way Out Phil Collins


Stefan breathed, his chest rising and falling unnaturally fast. Elena was coming, she would be here any second. God how was he supposed to explain to her that this was all his fault?..

How would she react? Surely she would would leave him. There would be no other choice. Their epic little play of "Beauty and the Beast" had gone on far too long. This was the last straw...

"Stefan?" he heard Elena's sweet voice call as she entered the boarding house, making her way into the foyer.

"Damon's room.." He whispered, not being able to shout with all the pressure currently closing in on his chest.

Elena was there in a flash, having heard him from down stairs.

"Stefan-!" she started, preparing to scold him for hanging up on her when she noticed the blood falling from his hand.

"Stefan..hey!" she said rushing to his side and opening his clenched fist, finding bits of shattered glass and plastic embedded in his skin. "Stefan, you broke your phone..." she said sadly, but he didn't seem to be listening. He just sat there still as stone, his breaths coming in labored and shallow as his eyes stared on in disbelief at the aged paper he gripped in his hand.

It was only then that Elena looked around, there were papers and shredded envelopes everywhere, "Are these the letters?" she breathed.

Stefan simply closed his eyes, unable to respond. Elena looked around where they were seated on the floor, picking up a random letter and reading it.

Dear Stefan,

Her brows knitted at the start, Damon had written these letters to Stefan? As she continued reading, she felt her blood get colder and colder as her eyes filled up with tears. By the end of it, she simply allowed the paper to fall from her finger tips, bringing a hand to her mouth as she shook her head in horror "Oh my god.." she sobbed.

"This is my fault.." Stefan whispered, the strength of his voice wavering slightly.

Elena looked at him, tears spilling "Stefan no.." she shushed, cupping his face in her hands. She sniffled, her tears coming faster at the sight of her loves' pain. "Stefan shh Stefan look at me, hey look at me!" she begged, her voice stronger than she expected.

Stefan looked at her, his eyes filled with shame, remorse and practically drowning pain. She smiled weakly at him, "This is not your fault." she stated, leaving no room for arguments. "You didn't do this to Damon, Stefan. You didn't torture him for a yea-"

"Five years." He whispered, pulling his face from her grasp.

Elena froze, the color draining from her face, "Five years..?" she gasped.

Stefan nodded, Elena's heart constricting as she felt like she was about to throw up.

"Five years Elena.." Stefan said, "Damon was in Hell, for five years..waiting for me to help come and save him.." he broke off, "and I never came.." he said exasperatedly.

Elena shook her head, "No Stefan. I know what you're doing and I won't let you put yourself through it." she said walking over to him and cradling his face.

"This wasn't your fault." she whispered, her eyes begging him to believe her. "If you had known anything about this Stefan, you would have done something I know you would have. You're a good brother." she promised, her voice soft as a feather.

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