Dating luke hemmings

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<The picture:Luke being completely adorable in that hat and it turns you ok so much>

*things that Luke would do for you and stuff sweet things,little things that mean so much*

•buying you Arizona sweet tea and drinking it with you (awww)

•when your sick he stops at 7/11 for you and gets you a slurpee with all the flavors just the way you like it (although it won't help your cold you still wanted one)

•he's done at the studio and decided to go to the mall buy you some T-shirts and bracelets from hot topic and get you your fav. at jambs juice

•"y/n's in the audience tonight! Love you babe"

•winking at you across rooms

•not shutting up about you to the point that the boys have to hold his lips shut to get moments of peace


•"I think that you love Michael more than me

•beating overprotective of you when the paparazzi are about

•"do you want to go on a really fancy date tonight!"

•discovering luke's pain kink when you pull on his hair as a joke and he moans and goes bright red

•"if I'm topping today your topping next time"

•him serenading you daily

•also hearing his angel voice when he's in the shower and recording it and positing it to various social medias

•waking up to his cute lil face and seeing him all curled up and generally being adorable (so like all the time he's fucking adorable all the time)

•"hug me!" "No your all sweaty"
*luke proceeds to chase you around his backstage dressing room

•"Luke how do you even know that"
"I watched a documentary on it"

•family gatherings are a+

•random presents because he saw a stuffed toy(mostly penguins it just works out that way lol)and it reminded him of you(aww)

•dressing him in your clothes when your bored, vice versa

•not a day going by without a dorky picture of you or him being tweeted from you respective accounts(on twitter)

•"luke,liz said no"

•fans hardcore shipping you two because even they can't deny how happy you make him


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