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 First sign.The proposal was ending and I was with Aidan life couldnt get any better. Then Aidan pulled out a big pack of love hearts my all time favourite sweet. He is amazing. I totally love him so i told him in the most loving way i could. 

 "Same to you darling" was what he said but he didnt look in my eyes he just kinda separated himself abit sorta spacing out. Once he left I ran to my room  and as quick as lightening got changed into my pjamas. Then i pulled my shade up. Just as he opened his curtains. You Know in Taylor swifts video for you belong with me when she writes on a pad to her nieghbour well me and my boyfriend do that. My whole room is full of the pads that we had so many conversations on, I swapped to a whiteboard because it was easier to reuse so he did the same. Isnt he just perfect!!! I wrote the usual like i miss you already I lovvveeee you more and soppy stuff like that. He didn't exactly try to keep the conversation going and he stopped the conversation to early but i was also very tierd so i didnt mind.

The next day when we were driving to school he just put the radio on and didnt talk to me i just figured he was still very tierd so i let it slide. Aidan has an awesome car it was a bright red Porsche and I loved it nearly as much as its owner. The way the engine purred and the way it sped so easily through the wind. Once we parked Aidan didn't open my door for me like usual now I was getting slightly worried but I guess it could have just slipped his mind. First period was boring as usual second wasn't that much better Aidan hadn't shown up for either usually he would have to me if he was skipping so I could join but he was there for third and that made it so much better. He whispered things in my ear that made me giggle and he said funny things about the geeks and teachers pets. Why was I blessed with him?

 We hung out by the lockers with my friends Elizabeth and Toni - Anny and his friends Cameron, Danny, Nathan and Harry. We were joking around and having fun like you do when Toya blackbird the fattest kid in school hobbled past us. I used to think she was pretty and quite cool until Aidan pointed me in the right direction and I see now that she is a fat ugly bastard. Aidan and his mates teased her abit and me and my mates giggled along this had to be one of the best breaks ever. She ran off crying way to take things to seriously she was probably about to cry her heart out in the school bathrooms. Aidan look slightly upset he had lost his toy so I cuddled up to him and nibbled his ear. This made him happy and as things got heated the bell went. Like you say saved by the bell. I hadn't gone all the way with Aidan yet and I don't want him getting ideas.

The rest of the day flew by with Aidan whispering in my ear and gossiping with the gals. Life was good it could never end.

But maybe I was wrong...   

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