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*Serah's POV*
We laid there in comfortable silence. Well until Austin walked in unannounced. "Hey guys do you have any monst- EWWW HEY YO WOAH COME ON MAN THAT'S MY SISTER!!!" "Austin get out of here!" I threw a pillow at him and he left shutting the door. I heard a small voice after he left and told the voice not to go in the back room I bet Sophi and Andy are back. "Come on we have to get dressed they're back." "Ok so is Austin really your brother?" Cc asked as we put our clothes back on. "Yes he is I thought you knew." "No but it makes sense." I opened the door then paused. "Hey what is that supposed to mean." "Nothing just you look similar." Sophi pulled on my pants and I picked her up I looked her face it was all red and bandaged. "Oh my god what happened!" I looked Andy he was roughed up and on crutches it looks like his ribs are broken again. "OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED!" We sat in the kitchen area and Andy laid his legs across my lap. "when we were on our way to the carnival we were crossing the street a car came and I pushed Sophi out of the way and the car hit me but not to hard and mostly scrapes then this drunk butt head *insert giggles from Sophi XD* came out screaming that I dented his car then he start to throw punches and Sophi went all ninja star on him." Sophi giggled again. "I hired a lawyer and she says we have a big lawsuit." I felt bad for Andy "So long as you're both ok." I pick up Sophi and sit her on my lap. "Mommy I made up my mind." Really? Well what is it?" "I want Andy to be my daddy and Cc to be daddy number 1.5." "Ok but why 1.5?" "Because 1.5 is better than being number 2." We all laughed at how silly she is. "Well how about we go watch a movie." "YAAAAAY!" Sophi screamed we went through the back of the bus, She laid down on Andy and I cuddled with Cc. Sophi was out in a matter of minutes and then I was to. This could be a good thing for her hopefully.

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