I'm Sorry...

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I'm sorry I am not as pretty as she is

I'm sorry that I will never be

I'm sorry I was such a shitty daughter

Sorry I never got straight A's 

Or was the best student athlete

I'm sorry you had to find me unconscious on the bathroom in a pool of blood

I'm sorry I have all these problems that I don't know I how to deal with

I'm sorry I always asked for more

I'm sorry that all I wanted was for you to hold me and tell me it would be ok

I'm sorry I cut myself

I'm sorry I hid so many secrets

I'm sorry I never told you Dave touched me

I'm sorry I lied about so many things

I'm sorry I hurt you so much

I'm sorry I was such a burden on you, on everyone

I'm sorry I was always in and out of the psych ward

I'm sorry that the other moms looked at you different

I am so sorry that I didn't want to live anymore

I'm sorry that I made your life miserable

And I'm so sorry that you gave birth to such a fucked up child

I'm so so sorry.... Sorry I can't make you happy...

Never have... never will

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