Chapter 3, ending

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The boy saw a small skiff drifting towards the shore. When he realized it was the old man, the boy left his tent and ran into the water to meet him.

The boy was a bit disappointed, because the old man didn't have any fish (he thought) that was his goal! But he was very happy that the old man returned back safely and he was in tears.
As they walked to the old man's shack (small house), the boy asked him why he didn't catch any fish. The old man told the boy what all had happened with the storm and how the big fish saved his life. The boy was amazed that the fish saved him. Then the old man said, "I made good friends with Marlin, so she is going to meet us everyday, I will introduce her to you tomorrow. I didn't catch the fish but i have caught a new friend and that's important, isn't it?" The boy was happy to hear that.

Next day, as promised, Marlin the fish returned to the shore to meet the old man and the boy. They continued to meet everyday.

The end

This was my book, hope you liked it!! Comment and vote please!!

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