Chapter eight: Old Memories

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Hello! Wazzup? This story has got 210 readers now. Yay! :D So, school is going to start in 2 weeks. Nooooo :( I won't have time to write, play piano or draw during school time. Anyway! Let's just not think about school yet. Let's talk about you, how's your day been going so far? Nice? Bad hair day? Interesting. K, enough crazy talk. Let's just write this chapter. Well.. you're going to read it since i've written it. Damn i'm weird. :D Enjoy reading! And don't forget to vote or comment. Whatever you like.

Lisbon's vision started to get more clear now and she looked at the two of them. Red John didn't actually look dangerous at all. He had blue eyes too, and light brown curly hair. He did look a little bit older and taller than Jane, but looked a lot like him though. Same nose, same eyes and the same evil grin. Her mouth dropped open as she realized something. Wait..This man..He was..  

"You..?" Stammered Jane, staring open mouthed at the brown haired man. He had gotten up and was facing him now. Jane's hands were shaking as he looked into the weary eyes of presumably Red John. Lisbon couldn't quite place it all. The man in front of her didn't look like a profile of a serial killer. He looked like a sweet yet broken man who had been abandoned and betrayed by his family and friends. He had a look in his eyes. A sad and dazed look. It was almost as if he was going to burst out in tears any moment by the look of his bleary eyes. His hair wasn't looking great either. The man's hair was completely a mess since his hair was kinking out in random directions. It was as if someone had just grabbed scissors out of the kitchen and had just hacked in it for several minutes without even looking. His smoothly shaven face was telling her he was trying to look 'good'. He hadn't had a lot of wrinkles, which was surprising her. So this was a man who wasn't pretty much caring about his hairstyle, but wanted his face to look healthy. It was pretty interesting according to Lisbon. 

Yet, Lisbon didn't need to be a psychic to perceive that this man was completely broken. This wasn't Red John.. But someone Red John was using to break Jane. Yet, this man was wearing Red John's black leather clothes. Why would Red John let someone pretend to be him? "What's going on here mister..?" She asked while walking over to the shivering Jane. His clothes were soaked with blood but the blood that had been leaking out of his nostrils had dried already. His cheek was red mixed with purple and it was slightly swollen. His face was a gigantic mess. Just like the one time he was in that .. 'car accident'. Ugh, why did he have to help that stupid untrustworthy Lorelei? As an accomplice of Red John, she was unpredictable and dangerous. Lisbon sighed as she imagined the looks Jane and Lorelei shared. He actually liked her.. She was beautiful though, probably much prettier than .. Stop doubting yourself Lisbon. Lorelei is dead now, and Jane's not even thinking about her, right?  Lisbon shook her head in embarrassment. Her thoughts had been taking her over lately.

"Why are you doing this?" Asked Jane, trying to remain calmth which didn't work out pretty well. He was still shaking and it was as if he was going to collapse any moment. "I have to.. to save him. You can read my mind can't you.. Wonderboy? I don't have to tell you." The man stammered, scratching on his head. Jane frowned as he heard the familiar name popping up. He didn't want to be remembered of his childhood. He was deceiving people, giving people false hope. It was a horrible thing to do. And the act of being a psychic had caused him several problems. "No. Save who? " He said stubborn, his voice breaking as he asked the question.

 "You were going to get away from this.. Alive. I..just...Red John sent me a message..He was going to murder my son. Red John told me to torture you and to kidnap this agent Lisbon. He would let my son go if i'd done that." Jane sighed as images of some memories of his past flashed through his aching head. "He has kidnapped Jacob?" Jane asked. His eyes were filled with fire as he asked the question. "Yes." Answered the man, looking at the ground. "Guys. Can I have an explanation?" Lisbon interrupted the conversation. She had no idea where they were talking about. Who was Jacob?  And who was this man exactly? He did look a lot like Jane.. 

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