Chapter 6

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"Vanessa, is that you?" He quickly took his glasses off to see my face. "J-Ju-Julius! Is that you?" I squealed while I try to hug him through the car window.

Julius, is a very close friend of mine back in high school. We used to spend a lot of time together. We used to go shopping, do sleepovers and yep... he's gay! Unfortunately, his family moved back to Canada where he was originally from (that's why he had a funny accent) and I never see or talk to him ever again.

Our hug got interrupted by angry drivers beeping their car horns at us. Woops, that's my fault.

"Let's go meet at Gloria Jean's Coffees" Julius said in a hurry and gestured me to get inside my car. "Okay, okay" I nodded as I jogged back to my car and head off to the coffee shop.

I was in front and Julius' car is following behind us. Xander has no idea what's going on, I had to tell him what was happening.

We finally arrived the cafe, we all got out of the car and I came over and gave Julius a proper hug. "OMG, how are you?" I had my left arm around him while we walk inside the entrance and I held Xander's hand on the right.

We all sat down at a table and just talked for about an hour or more basically just about random stuff, like what had happen after school, while sippin' on our coffees/frappes.

I looked outside and it's getting dark. I looked at my watch. "Gee, I think we better go now, it's getting late."

"Oh right, yeah I better go now too." I gave Julius a quick hug. "Thanks for the time. It's so nice to see you again." I smiled warmly and just looked at him 'cause I really missed him. "Sure, anytime, and nice to meet you Xander." "You too." They both shook hands.

As we were about to get out of the door, "Hey! Vanessa! Wait.." Julius yelled out and I turned around. He came near me and said "Can we meet again tomorrow? I really need you to meet someone I know..." He had a huge grin on his face and I look confuse. "Okay.. Sure.. Same time?" "Yep." He nodded. "Okay then, I'll see you tomorrow." "See ya!" He waved at us and the grin on his face never left.

Finally... We get to go home, after a really long day. I decided to stay at Xander's house for the night. It's okay, we sleep at each other's house all the time.

We got to his house and I changed into my clean clothes. As I said, I sleep here all the time so I keep some of my clothes here.

We finally get to rest. We lie down the bed while Xander plays with my hair and my head rest on his chest. I yawned, I looked up to him, "Mmm.." I smiled at him. "I'm so tired." I pout and gave him a kiss on the lips.

He started into my eyes while still playing with my hair. "Aw, does my baby want me to sing a lullaby?" "Hm, yes please." I said in a babyish voice, we both chuckled and I slowly close my eyes while I can hear him sing a song to me. He finished singing and I can hear him whisper, "Goodnight." and I felt him kiss me on the forehead.

I drifted off to sleep with a huge smile on my face.

I woke up to birds chirping outside and the sun light hitting my face. I rub my eyes and turned around to Xander, who is missing. I sat up and wondered where he was, but he's probably just downstairs.

"Mmm.." I sniffed in a lovely scent coming from downstairs. I got out of the bed and opened the bedroom door and the scent got stronger and I can hear Xander frying bacon, I presume it was bacon from the smell. But before I go downstairs, I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face.

I went downstairs and I can hear plates clinking. "Good morning." I've been greeted by Xander while wearing an apron. "Good morning babe." I put my arm around him and kissed him on the lips. "Wow. Did you cook all these?" I asked while looking at the food, which looked like it was cooked and prepared by a real chef. "Yep. All for you baby." "Aww." He smiled and we went in for a kiss. My stomach rumbled. "Woops.. I guess I'm hungry." I giggled shyly and sat down to eat.

Breakfast was finished. I took a shower and wore a pretty pink dress that I rarely wear and put my hair in a ponytail. I went outside to the backyard to ride Xander's old blue bike. It's such a lovely day to go outside.

I rode the bike passing by some small shops and old people chatting and having coffee.

I'm in a really good mood today so I stopped by at the flower shop to get my mum something. I put the bike carefully against the brick wall. It's old but hopefully no one would steal it.

I grabbed the metal handle of the glass door and a guy on the other side pushed the door wearing dark glasses, white snapback on backwards and black leather jacket while carrying dozens of white roses. I starred at him for a minute until he got into his car. I was wondering why would he wear a leather jacket during this hot weather? I shrugged off the thought and went inside.

Finally, I'm back at my own house with the bouquet of flowers I bought for my mum. I gave my mum the flowers just to make her day a little better and she really appreciated it.

I spent the afternoon watching TV and I remembered that Julius wanted to see me again. I wonder who are these important people that he wanted me to meet.

I looked at the time, it's 2:30 in the afternoon. Good, I've got time to get ready.


A/N: I'm really annoyed Wattpad removed Share Your Story Club, now it's really hard to share my stories. :/ Oh and I guess you guys already figured out that I update really late... Haha. Thanks for reading! (Vote or comment if you'd like more)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2013 ⏰

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