Fan Fiction Genre

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Fan Fiction Genre Stories



Title : A Wolfs Tale, The Story of Lucas Uzumaki (Another Naruto Fanfic)

Author: Lucas_Uzumaki

Synopsis: A Wolfs Tale, The Story of Lucas Uzumaki (Another Naruto Fanfic) Lucas Uzumaki is the twin brother of Naruto although you'd never believe it looking at them. Separated since birth after Lucas was moved to the extreme west of the Land of Fire. This is the tale of the only ninja to ever form a pack with the wild wolves of the west. What will happen when he meets his brother for the first time in 12 years and what will happen when he is placed on the same team.

Genre: Fan Fiction


Title: Crow's feathers

Author: the_hooded_girl

Synopsis: After years of banishment the fourth Suna sibling returns. But why now of all times and what is her connection with Konoha? It is said she was involved with a certain criminal organization. Are the rumours about her true? And why was she banished in the first place?

Genre: fanfiction, romance


Title: Invisible

Author: XxiWolfGirlixX

Synopsis: Ayaka Hara has been on her own since her parents left her at the age of five. Being a small, quiet girl, people began to take advantage of her weakness and bully her, even Naruto Uzamaki, a boy hated by the whole village. When assigned to Team Seven, along with Naruto, the class clown, Sasuke Uchiha, the class heart-throb, Sakura Haruno, an annoying know-it-all, and their sensei, the copy-cat ninja, Kakashi Hatake, she sets out to become the greatest ninja ever and show her parents just what they left behind.

Genre: FanFiction, Adventure.


Title: My Unknown Past (Naruto Fanfic)

Author: immasportzgurl

Synopsis: Akari Tashiro was sent to the Leaf Village to live a better life than her current town.  She had a lonely and painful life she couldn't bare to keep her mind off of.  Including the thought that the most important people to her left her alone.  Her guardian/master and her trainer that helped perfect her secret power.

Her guardian trained her with very specialized techniques that would seem incredibly crazy to teach a little girl.  It would be nothing anyone would expect.

When she was a little girl, a few years before her guardian left, she told her that a long time ago, there was a horrific tragedy.  The story totally destroyed the little Akari's heart when she learned the secrets she's never been told  or knew of.

When she was accepted by the third Hokage to live in the village, she had to be assigned on team with Genin.  She was put on Team 7 with a hyperactive knucklehead, an expressionless "avenger" and an obsessed fan girl. 

As Akari moves on in her new life in the village, a lot of things changed about herself, making her feel more alive than ever.  She may have found out her true home and who she really is.

Later on, many more secrets that were hidden are revealed and it will shock Akari forever.

What power does she posses?  Who was her trainer?  What kind of past did she have?  Which story broke her heart?  What or who helped her enjoy life and forget about the past?  Which secrets will traumatize her life?

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