Chapter 7

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Fiona held her breath as Chris approached the closet door. Unease slithered down her spine. Who would they find in the closet? Another thug with a gun? 

The young man's feared-filled eyes and his jitteriness ratcheted up her anxiety. If the guy bolted he'd have to get past her first. She stepped in front of the open door. Dutch's low, menacing growl raised the hairs on her arm. She'd hate to be the on the receiving end of his sharp teeth.

With his hand on his holster ready to draw down on whoever was inside the closet, Chris flung the door open.

A tall, silver-haired man in a grey suit stepped out. In his hand he held a gun aimed at Chris's head.

Recognition slammed through Fiona. "Councilman Tom Lewis?" 

Voted in as a director-at-large for the city council of the District of Columbia, the councilman's platform was no drugs tolerated. Fiona had seen his son Liam's name on the list of drug-addicted children collected by Carol Leechman. Definitely motive enough for murder and attempted kidnapping, vandalism and a whole host of other charges. When the public learned the councilman's own son was an addict, Lewis probably feared it would ruin his own career.

"Stand down, Officer," Lewis said. "Put your weapon on the floor." He swung the muzzle of his gun toward Fiona. "Or the lovely lady will die."

Fiona's stomach dropped. She should have stayed out of the room, and then the councilman wouldn't have had any leverage over Chris.

Chris slowly laid his weapon on the floor and raised his hands palms out. "You're not walking out of here, Councilman," Chris said, his voice calm. "The place is crawling with cops."

Lewis' mouth twisted. "We'll see."

"Dad, don't do this," Liam pleaded.

"This," the councilman gestured with his free hand. "Is your doing. You've broken your mother's heart and threatened my career. I can't believe you're my son."

Liam hung his head and sat on the edge of the bed. Fiona ached for the younger man.

"But there's still a chance I can get out of this mess." Lewis gestured with his gun at Fiona. "I want the thumb drive. I know you have it."

"She doesn't have it," Chris stated firmly. "Your only option is to hand me your weapon and let me walk all of us out of here without anyone getting hurt."

Lewis swung his gun at Chris. "Oh, somebody's going to get hurt."

Fearing the councilman would shoot Chris, Fiona said, "Wait. I do have it." She tugged the thumb drive from beneath the collar of her sweater. Lewis didn't need to know there were copies. "You can have this. It's heavily encrypted."

Lewis edged around Chris and latched on to her hand to pluck the thumb drive away. Without releasing his hold on her, he yanked her to him, swung her around at the same time twisting her arm painfully behind her back. It happened so fast she didn't have time to defend herself. The cold, hard muzzle of the councilman's gun jabbed into her ribs.

Dutch growled and bared his teeth.

Panic flared in Chris's blue eyes. "Let her go."

"Not until I'm out of here." Lewis dragged her backward to the doorway.

"You'll never get away with this." Chris stepped forward. Dutch followed suit.

"Stay where you are, both of you," Lewis snapped. "There's no proof I've done anything wrong."

"We have your man," Chris said.

Lewis flinched. "He won't talk. And if he does, it's his word against mine. There's no trail to follow."

"But we know," Fiona said. He tightened his hold on her bent arm, and she winced as pain exploded in her shoulder.

"Again, your word against mine," Lewis practically crowed. "No one will believe I held you at gun point. My son won't say anything and if he does who would believe him? He's a meth addict."

The man clearly had lost touch with reality.

"Carol Leechman found out and was going to expose you as a fraud," Chris said. "That's why you had her killed."

Liam jumped to his feet. "You didn't! Carol was my friend."

"I didn't kill her," Lewis said. "That woman died in a tragic car accident. And she wasn't your friend. She used you for her own purposes."

"I won't believe that," Liam cried and rushed at them.

Lewis used Fiona as a shield. She held up a hand to ward off Liam, but before he made contact, he was yanked off his feet and set aside by Chris.

"Thank you, Officer," Lewis smirked. He pulled Fiona out of the room. "Don't follow us." He dragged Fiona down the hall and stopped at the fire alarm, which he quickly pulled.A loud screeching siren filled the air. Within seconds a stampede of people rushed out of rooms, down the stairs and out the door. To Fiona he said, "We're going to walk out of here nice and easy so no one gets hurt."

She grabbed at the wall. Lewis exerted more pressure on her arm causing her to yelp in agony. "Chris!"

# # #

Staggered by the fear chomping through him, Chris scooped up his sidearm and rushed out the bedroom door in time to see the councilmen leading Fiona down the staircase, the gun hidden between them. Panic seized Chris's lungs. He'd promised Fiona he wouldn't let anything happen to her. And he always kept his promises. He couldn't lose her. He loved her. Somehow she'd torn down the walls around his heart without trying. She was everything he could hope for. She was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with and that thought scared him nearly as much as the threat of her being hurt.

With Dutch at his side, he raced after Fiona, weaving through the panicked patients and staff. Chris had to free Fiona before Lewis did anything catastrophic like shoot her. The thought trapped his breath and knotted his stomach.

"Lewis!" Chris yelled.

The councilman stopped at the bottom of the stairs as the last of the patients and staff existed the building. The blare of the fire alarm ceased. The silence was as jarring as the siren. "You don't listen very well." 

Fiona stomped on Lewis's instep. He yanked her arm. She screamed and went limp. Chris's heart nearly beat out of his chest.

The councilman struggled to hang on to her but was forced to let go. She sank to the floor. Lewis turned and ran for the large entryway door.

"Fass!" Chris shouted.

His partner didn't need further instruction to attack. He raced down the few remaining stairs, leapt over Fiona and latched on to Lewis's arm, the same arm holding the gun. Lewis let out a loud guttural roar.

Chris sprinted to Fiona's side. Her eyelids fluttered open. He inspected her shoulder and arm. He couldn't tell if anything was broken.

"I'm okay," she whispered. "Help Dutch."

Relief swamped him. He jumped to his feet.

Lewis had switch the gun to his free hand and now pointed the muzzle at Dutch. "Get this dog off me!" 

Fearing for his partner, Chris charged the councilman and drove his right shoulder into Lewis's gut, knocking Lewis off balance. Chris wrapped his arms around Lewis and held on tight.

"Aus," Chris yelled the command to Dutch.

The dog immediately obeyed by releasing his hold on Lewis's arm as Chris slammed the councilman to the ground.

Chris scrambled to gain control over Lewis's hand holding the weapon. Chris's fingers closed over the hard metal, trapping Lewis's fingers. Chris twisted Lewis's hand. The councilman shrieked but refused to let go of the gun.

Dutch barked and growled.

The older man was strong. Chris used every ounce of strength he had to wrest the gun from Lewis.

The loud bang of the weapon firing ricocheted inside Chris's head.

DANGEROUS JUSTICE By: Terri ReedWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu