Chapter 3

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The drive back to Fiona's apartment was thick with tense silence. Chris wasn't sure what to say to ease Fiona's hurt. He certainly couldn't tell her he found her attractive.

"I'm sorry you've been dragged into this." Fiona's terse voice didn't mask the upset in her tone. "I don't want to be a burden."

Guilt swamped him. The last thing he wanted was for her to believe his reluctance to act as her guard had anything negative to do with her. Far from it. "You aren't a burden. I thought you might prefer a female officer rather than me."

Her eyebrows creased together. "No."

Absorbing her quick reply and wondering what to make of it, he nodded. For better or for worse he would do whatever it took to keep her safe.

The entrance door of her building had been boarded up and the glass cleared away. New bulbs in the light fixtures lit up the night. When they reached her apartment, she said, "Thank you. I'll be fine now."

"DCPD will have a marked cruiser outside. I'll come back in the morning to take you to work."

"Though I appreciate the concern, I'm sure the patrol officer would be willing to take me over."

"You heard the captain," he said. "I'll be back in the morning to escort you to work."

"Okay. Thanks." She pushed open the door to her apartment. "Oh, no!"

Someone had ransacked her apartment. Anger revved in Chris's blood. He nudged Fiona back into the hall. "Stay put."

Withdrawing his sidearm, he commanded Dutch in German to search, "Voran."

The dog put his nose to the ground, following a trail down the darkened hall. Chris moved in behind Dutch. The bedroom had been tossed as well. Dutch led him to the open window that accessed a fire escape. The intruder was gone. Chris shut and locked the window then returned to Fiona. "All clear."

Her fists were tight at her sides. "I need to check my safe and make sure it wasn't breached."

She went to the hall closet where she kept her safe. The safe was bolted to the floor. There were deep scratches at the hinges. Fiona quickly punched in her passcode and retrieved her computer. "At least they didn't get this."

"Or the thumb drive."

She hugged the computer to her chest. Tears welled her in eyes. "I feel so violated."

Chris rubbed her arms. "You can't stay here. Pack a bag. I'm taking you home with me."

# # #

Nervous flutters kept Fiona from talking on the way to Chris's home in the trendy neighborhood of Logan Circle. She barely noticed the cute stores and unique restaurants. Chris was all she could focus on.

They arrived at his home and entered the four-story Grand Victorian. Chris carried in her bag, and Dutch headed down the hallway. In awe, Fiona stared, taking in the soaring ceilings and gleaming hickory hardwood floors. The beautiful crown molding had to be original and the well- cared-for antique furnishings created a surreal feeling of stepping back in time. "This is amazing."

Chris nodded in agreement. "My Aunt Teresa and her late husband Ben bought this house not long after they married. When Ben died nine years ago, Teresa asked if I'd like to share the place with her. It beat my tiny studio."

"Is Teresa your mother's or father's sister?"

"Mother's. They're twins, actually. Mom and Dad retired to Arizona to escape the winters."

"I think about doing that every year."

"You can't leave," Chris said. "What would we do without you?"

Her heart hiccupped. "You'd all survive."

Chris's brow furrowed. "No, we wouldn't."

Before Fiona could decipher the meaning behind that statement or the way hope mushroomed inside of her, an elegant woman descended the stairs, drawing her attention. Dressed in a lavender pantsuit, she had the same dark hair as Chris, though her eyes were a lighter shade of blue. She smiled warmly. "Christopher!" She gave him a hug. "I was beginning to wonder if you were coming home tonight." She turned her attention to Fiona, clearly curious, and held out her hand. "Hello. I'm Teresa Hiltchen. Chris's aunt."

Taking her hand, Fiona found her voice. "Fiona Fargo. Chris and I work together."

"Fiona will be staying with us for a little while," Chris said.

Teresa's gaze turned speculative. "Really? Wonderful. You can put her things in the yellow room."

Chris nodded and headed up the staircase. Fiona wasn't sure if she should follow him.

"Are you hungry?" Teresa asked.

Shifting her gaze from Chris's retreating back, Fiona smiled gratefully at Teresa. "As a matter of fact, I am. We've had an eventful evening."

Teresa linked her arm through Fiona's and led her down a short hall to the kitchen. "You can tell me all about it while we make a late dinner."

# # #

"You're staring." 

Chris smiled over the rim of his coffee mug, liking the way the morning sunlight coming through the conference room window of the Capitol K-9 Unit sparked against her red hair. Fiona was busy at her laptop, her fingers flying on the keyboard.

They'd decided to set up shop in the larger space where there was more room to work. Not that Chris had much to offer. Fiona's skill with computers would be what cracked the mysterious thumb drive. "I enjoy watching you in action. It's no wonder you were top in your class at M.I.T."

Her cheeks turned a pretty shade of red. "You have a weird idea of entertainment."

He laughed. "Come on, you must hear how smart you are all the time."

"Being smart isn't all it's cracked up to be," she remarked.

He sensed hurt behind her words. His gut clenched. "You were teased?"


His hand tightened around his mug. His blood boiled at the thought of her hurt in any way. "Petty jealousy. Whoever teased you wasn't half as smart or as beautiful."

Her hands stilled. She cast him a quick glance.

He held his breath at the slip. How would she react?

"You're sweet to say so."

Relief flooded him. He still needed to appear casual for the sake of their working relationship. He shrugged. "It's the truth." 

And he meant it. Her beauty was natural and unpretentious. Her sharp wit and sense of humor kept him on his toes. He admitted to himself he liked her. A lot.

A small smile played at the corners of her mouth. "Your aunt said you were a charmer. I have to agree."

Chris had been pleased Fiona and his Aunt Teresa hit it off so well. Teresa didn't care for most of the women he dated. Though, this was different. Fiona was his coworker, not his date.

"It's very kind of both of you to take me in," Fiona said.

"Aunt Teresa loves to entertain. And no doubt is thankful to have a female in the house."

She flashed him a curious look.

Her computer made a beeping noise.

Fiona glanced at the screen and fist pumped the air. "Yes!"

DANGEROUS JUSTICE By: Terri ReedWhere stories live. Discover now