8. Insomnia

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The boys had fought most things out, and a few hours later here I was sitting in Jack's jacket, bow resting across my lap as the quiver leaned against my left leg. I was leaned up against a tree, the sleeping trio a few feet away.

In all honesty, I just want to get back home. Into my bed- back to how things used to be. I don't want Dark here. Nor Jack honestly, I just want it to be me and Mark again. I leaned my head back against the tree and breathed in the crisp cold air. My breath created little smoke clouds as I burrowed further into the jacket. It smelt like dirt with a hint of cologne- in which I had no idea where he had gotten it- but it smelled nice. My eyes skimmed around the forest, the grey dusk settling over the dying forest.

All was silent as I sat in the cold. The wind would blow softly, spreading the bitter cold air around and making me feel even worse. Mark shifted in his sleep and my eyes instantly locked onto his form, half hoping he would wake.

He did.

Mark slowly sat up, then with a sudden fever looked around for me.

"I didn't run away." I said, and I flinched at my tone. It was raw- it sounded like I had been crying. Mark turned to look at me and quietly pushed himself up, crushing dead leaves as he weaved past the duo towards me. He sat besides me, taking my quiver and bow.

"I'll take over." He whispered softly, and my heart strings felt like they were being tugged. I shook my head stiffly, standing to stretch.

"Just go to sleep Mark. I've got it." I heard his weight shift as he stood up behind me, the sound of something falling into the dirt. I turned and casted a soft glare at him.

"Be careful of the bow." I muttered, right before my face was smushed into his chest. His shoulders were trembling and I heard him heave a soft sob before he started crying softly. My arms placed themselves around his waist and my right hand reached up, stroking the back of his head as he cried into my shoulder.

"I was so afraid I had lost you." He whispered, and it felt like someone was squeezing my heart. It hurt to breathe and I took in a shaky breath, softly cooing.

"I-I know Mark. I know sweetheart, it's okay. We're safe now." I choked out, feeling my own tears fall down my face. We stood like that for god knows how long. The sun had started to rise, our own tears done falling, leaving streaks on our face. We just held each other, breathing the other person in and cherishing the warmth and shape of their body.

"We need to wake the others." I whispered, pulling him closer and holding him tighter. He pulled away from the hug, his hands still around my waist. I moved my hands up to his shoulders, and for a few seconds we just stared at each other, before leaning towards the other person. Our lips landed and I slightly smiled, feeling happy. I was in Mark's arms again. He pulled away and chuckled.

"Seems I still haven't lost my touch." He said, and I turned red- sticking my tongue out at him before pulling away.

"Fuck off Mark." I said jokingly, feeling content rest in my heart. I walked away and walked up to Jack, crouching down beside him. I blinked as I remembered I was wearing his jacket. I smiled before waking him up, my hand resting on his shoulder as I shook it. Jack jerked slightly, eyes opening in a flash as he took in his surroundings.

"Morning shamrock. It's time to go." I said before walking around him, reaching Dark. He was snoring softly and I crouched down, before sitting on my knees. He laid on his back, which allowed me to look at his injured arm. I pulled my pocket knife out of my pocket before gently cutting a strand of the bandage, unwrapping the rest. The cut wasn't infected, in fact, it had healed up most of the way. I faintly frowned before shaking Dark. He didn't wake. I shook him harder and he still didn't wake.

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