Sequel (part 2)

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I'm sorry it's so late, I have three jobs and I'm struggling finding the time to write, especially with college starting in a week. Anywho, better late than never💁


My name is James Lester. Four years ago I was put in charge of The ARC, a top-secret government project investigating rips in time, known as anomalies. These anomalies allowed long extinct creatures from distant eras to cross into our own time.

Our head researcher, Professor Nick Cutter, was murdered by his insane wife, Helen, who planned to wipe out the human race. Danny Quinn, Connor Temple, Abby Maitland and Katherina Dracula went through an anomaly to both stop her and save Katherina's twin brother: KD.

No one knows what happened; but as the human race survived, we must assume they succeeded. None of them ever returned, lost in a distant past, with no way home.

All attempts at rescue failed.

A new team was put in place with many changes made to The ARC.

The battle continues.

There is always a new threat, whatever it is, we'll deal with it.


Primeval's Turn, it's finally up☺️

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