Chapter 14: Dracorex In Shining Armour (part 2)✔️✔️

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I don't own any of primeval, it's plot or characters unfortunately. However, Katherina and her family are mine. All credit and rights go to impossible pictures.

The picture is a Kris since I just realised, as it's an exotic blade most of you may have no idea what it looks like. That's not her actual sword, it just gives you an idea about what the blade looks like. In reality, her swords are solid steel and engraved down the blade. The handles are made out of gold lined with platinum and lapis lazuli (her family stone).


"This is hopeless, we're never going to find him." Danny sighed as we checked another alley.

"Danny, he's wearing a full suit of armour and he's carrying a sword, even in London that's going to get noticed." Connor reasoned.

We exited the other side of the alley and walked right out into a parade.

A fúcking parade.

Like now? Is there any need for this timing?

"Oh." Connor whispered.

We ran through the parade, trying to spot shining armour from anywhere. Suddenly, people began running out of a nearby pub, screaming. We stopped as we heard the crashing of fighting emitting from inside.

"Sir Lancelot?" Connor pointed.

Danny shrugged as we all headed inside.

The place was completely trashed. We walked into the main room in time to see the knight attempting to pull a biker out from under a pool table. Connor and Danny entered and I hid behind them, not wanting to find out what the knight would think if he saw an angel hanging with some demons.

"See how your master cowers before me!" The knight shouted when he saw Connor and Danny.

"Come on we can talk about this..." Danny spoke to the knight.

The knight released the biker and he went to hide with his friends under the pool table.

"How many demons must I slay today?" The knight smirked.

"None." I appeared next to Danny. "For killing is wrong in any form."

The knight paused at the sight of me and bowed, not once taking his attention off Danny or dropping his sword

"You protect these creatures of darkness?" The knight frowned.

"No, for they are not demons. However, in any situation His Almighty Lord's number one rule is 'Thou Shall Not Kill'."

I walked slowly towards the knight.

"You speak the truth." The knight muttered.

"Any warrior of God can speak nothing but the truth, for to lie is a sin, a sin which would cause a fall."

The knight stared at me as he lowered his weapon.

I really deserve an oscar for this performance.

"You must understand, I have to find the beast to return home!" The knight's voice rose as his sentence continued, he began running from the pub on his quest to find the beast.

I grabbed Connor, who had run to hide somewhere, and pushed Danny after the knight.

"Hurry, we're going to loose him!" I shouted as we exited the pub.

We went back into the carnival as we managed to loose sight of the knight. We saw someone dressed as a knight, but it wasn't the one we were looking for.

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